Bring Them Up His Way Eph. 6:4

Bring Them Up His Way Eph. 6: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bring them up in the “nurture and admonition OF THE LORD”, not your way, his. I did it my way, I have many failures. God’s way is perfect [Ps.18:30] Illustration – “Easter Lily” Ask a young couple to...

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Symptoms of a Hard Heart Prov. 28:14

Symptoms of a Hard Heart Prov.28:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Symptoms of a Hard Heart Proverbs 28:14               Why is it, that we can easily see a hard heart is someone else? In the ministry we see young and old alike harden their own heart against the things of...

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Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3

Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3 Last week, Pastor started this series of Sunday School lessons with “Biblical Authority in Families”. Since God created the family, we can clearly see throughout the Bible...

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Lessons From King Saul: Saul’s disobedience.

Lessons From King Saul:  Saul’s Disobedience (1 Samuel 15:1-35) In this lesson from our study of King Saul we will look at his disobedience in the matter of the Amalekites. Many times you are told to read the bible putting yourself into the passage, this is an excellent passage for...

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Disobedience and rebellion of Saul

Disobedience and rebellion of Saul (1 Samuel 15:1-35) In this passage we see the rebellion of Saul through partial disobedience. Now Saul had trouble before as the word of God shows in 1 Samuel 13, but in this sin we see what cost him the kingdom. The story before us...

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Sin Nature Eph. 2:1-3

Sin Nature Eph. 2: 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have heard it before, you have a sin nature passed down to you from Adam. Because of the Virgin Birth, Jesus Christ was born without a sin nature, [1Cor.15:22] “for as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all...

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Saul’s Disobedience, 1 Sam 15:-22-23

1 Sam 15:22-23 Disobedience CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Obedience is the delight of God whereas sacrifice to just appease God so that disobedience can be continued is abomination – it is what is at the root of religion – in Gen 4:3 Cain was more religious than Abel but the reason...

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