The Two Ways, Ezek 21:18-32

The Two Ways The reason we’re studying Ezekiel is just to help you understand what you’re reading when you read it.  We’re not approaching this study as an effort to look for wild, new, or strange interpretations of prophecy.  The lesson today is on the two ways Nebuchadnezzar could make...

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Against the Prophetesses, Ezek 13:17-23

Against the Prophetesses In Ezek 13:17-23, the Lord told Ezekiel to set his face against the prophetesses.  God gave him a prophecy against the prophetesses, because they had been lying to his people.  Their prophecies had come out of their own heart; they were not from the Lord. Ezekiel Prophesied...

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Curious Arts

Curious Arts Acts 19:13-20                 After an encounter with evil spirits, “fear fell” on the folks at Ephesus and “the name of the Lord Jesus was magnified”. Believers confessed and shewed their deeds. “Curious arts” or magic was renounced. The end result was that “so mightily grew the word of...

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Isaiah 2:6-9 Why God Forsook Jerusalem

Why God Forsook Jerusalem Isaiah 2: 6-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the last lesson, we saw all the blessings promised to Jerusalem and Judah at the Second Coming of Jesus.  Now, Isaiah switches to a vision in which God forsakes the house of Jacob.  By studying other scriptures, we...

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