Defy Your Heart, Prov 28:26

Defy Your Heart Prov. 28:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Defy Your Heart Prov 28:26 says, “he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool”.  If you are following your heart in a matter, you’d better be very careful because your heart is prone to lead you astray.  In times when...

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Get the Devil Out, Acts 26:18

Get the Devil Out Acts 26:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast we saw that Christians could be possessed with the devil.  Today, we’ll see how to get the devil out.  And tomorrow we’ll see how to keep him out.  To get the Devil out of your life: Get...

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John’s Second Epistle

John’s second epistle is addressed to “the elect lady and her children”.  John is the elder, 1 Pet 5:1. She is elect, meaning she’s saved. Why did John write this second epistle to them? To express his true love to her and them, v.1-3. When John, the elder, expressed his...

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The Doctrine of the Resurrection

15-11-24 1 Cor 15 The Doctrine of the Resurrection CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The doctrine of the resurrection is not a doctrine that began with Jesus Christ but it is definitely a doctrine that was fulfilled in Jesus. The resurrection is basically the doctrine that reverses the physical effects of the...

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Doctrines of Salvation Study Lesson #1 Righteousness

Doctrines of Salvation Study Lesson #1 Righteousness We begin our study of Doctrines connected with Salvation by looking at the word righteousness. We will use the word righteous instead of saved because the word saved can make it hard for us to understand how God dealt differently with people during...

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Why We Are a Baptist Church

There are six distinct doctrines that distinguish Bible believing Baptist churches from all other churches and religions in the world.  Some non-denominational churches hold these doctrines, and, thus, they are Baptist in their doctrine though not in their name.  We are not ashamed of the name “Baptist” and we are...

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Keep Thyself Pure, 1 Tim 5:22

According to 1 Tim 5:22, we are to keep ourselves pure.  How do we do this?  First, you must be made pure.  To get pure, you must be saved.  According to Titus 1:15, when you’re defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure.  Even your mind and conscience are defiled.  But when...

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Throughly Furnished, 2 Tim 3:15-17

2 Tim 3:15-17 Throughly Furnished 2 Tim 3:15-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you prepare to travel you want to be throughly furnished for the trip.  You need to make sure that you have everything you will need while you are gone.  I keep lists in my phone of the things...

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Keep The Unity, Eph 4:3

Ps 133:1 how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.  The Lord said this.  He said it is good and pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity.  Brethren dwelling together in unity is like the precious ointment upon the head… skirts of his garments. ...

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Adorn the Doctrine of God, Titus 2:7-15

In Titus 2:10, Paul wrote to Titus that the people to whom he was preaching in Crete should, “adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.”  So, we will study today’s lesson, from Titus 2:7-15, with this theme in mind.  We should adorn the doctrine of God: In...

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