Sound Doctrine 2 Tim. 3:16

Sound Doctrine 2 Tim 3:16. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sound doctrine is found in the Bible. Doctrine is what the Bible says.  Scripture is profitable for doctrine – 2 Tim 3:16.  So, if you want to learn doctrine, then go to the Bible.  The trouble with Christians who get pulled into...

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Sincerity 1 Peter 2:1-2

Sincerity 1 Peter 2:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sincere means: 1 without deceit, pretense [a false claim or profession], or hypocrisy; truthful; straightforward; honest 2 being the same in actual character as in outward appearance; genuine; real 3 not adulterated [Webster’s New World Dictionary].  I heard a preacher make reference to...

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Boundaries Deut. 32:7

Boundaries Deut. 32:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord divides, separates, and sets bounds. We need boundaries in our lives. The worst thing God could do to any of us is to just back off and remove all our boundaries.  We need them in our lives to provide stability, separation, and security....

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Dual Authority

Dual Authority Matt. 6:24                 Two masters is dual authority. It never works, not at home, at work, at church, and not with God. You must pick one and love it and hold to it. No man can serve two masters. Who or what is your single authority? It is...

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The Word of God is Profitable 2 Tim.3:16

The Word of God is Profitable 2 Tim.3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The word of God is profitable.  When we receive it and believe it, it works effectually in us – 1 Thes 2:13 – the word of God, given by the inspiration of God, is profitable for: Doctrine – 2...

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The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12

The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord made the hearing ear; the purpose for it, therefore, is to hear.  But he didn’t put a gate on it, so you must guard what goes in it and what stays out.  He intended it so that we could hear –...

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Add to “Patience Godliness”

Add to “Patience Godliness” 2 Peter 1:6                 What is godliness? How can one be godly? Peter tells us to add godliness in this passage. Godliness is being like God. It is more than observing a list of do’s and don’ts (although obedience is required). It is thinking His thoughts...

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