The Dominion of Death

The Dominion of Death Romans 6:9 Our verse states that after Jesus was resurrected from the dead that death has no more dominion over him. In this sermon we will look at death as a physical event, a place, a person, and a state of being to see how Jesus...

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What Nebuchadnezzar Underestimated

What Nebuchadnezzar Underestimated Dan 2: 12-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Nebuchadnezzar successfully destroyed Judah and took many captives to Babylon.  He was very powerful and became the world ruler in his day.  God had promoted him to this great power and rule.  Among the captives, he had Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and...

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Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3

Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3 Last week, Pastor started this series of Sunday School lessons with “Biblical Authority in Families”. Since God created the family, we can clearly see throughout the Bible...

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