Faith is the Key, Matt 8:10

Faith is the Key Matt 8:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus mentions great faith and little faith several times between Matt 8 and Matt 17.  Looking at each of these instances shows us that faith is the key ingredient in the strength of our relationship...

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Deficiencies of the Heart Matt 13:15

Deficiencies of the Heart Matt 13:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO During Jesus’ ministry he had to deal with people who had several deficiencies of the heart.  Their hearts were why they could not receive and live by the things he was saying.  Some had a: Gross heart – Matt 13:15 –...

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Protect Your Mind II Cor. 4: 3-5

Protect Your Mind II Cor. 4: 3-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you are lost, you must protect your mind from blindness.  The devil blinds the minds of them that believe not [2 Cor 4:4].  You protect your mind by believing what the Bible says and by getting saved.  But once...

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Doubtful Disputations, Rom 14:1-23

Doubtful Disputations Rom 14:1-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Romans 14 deals with one main topic and a very important subtopic. The main topic is doubtful disputations.  The subtopic is the judgment seat of Christ.  We won’t have time to deal with both topics in Sunday school. So, this morning’s sermon...

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Sennacherib’s Questions 2 Chr. 32:21

Sennacherib’s Questions 2 Chr. 32:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Sennacherib laid siege to Jerusalem, Hezekiah had instructed the inhabitants to be strong and courageous.  He assured them that, though they were outnumbered by Sennacherib’s army, they were superior in strength because they had God to help them fight their battles...

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Unbelief Heb. 3 John 16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we read the text and compare it with Jn 16:8-11, we get the idea that we are reading verses that are aimed solely at the lost.  However, as Christians, we are prone to live practically in unbelief when we live our...

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Trust in Him

Psalm 2:12 Trust in Him CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The last part of Ps 2:12 says, “Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”  And truly, we need to trust in him. A fellow from Harrisburg, PA, called us to ask us to pray for his daughter who...

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