Is Israel the Church? Rom 2:28-29

Is Israel the Church? Rom. 2:28-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is Israel the Church?  No.  Have you ever had anyone teach you or tell you that Israel is the Church?  The idea is that God began dealing with the Jews in Israel in the Old Testament, and continued dealing with them...

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A Table Before Me, Ps 23:5

In Ps 23:5 David said, “Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies”.  Imagine the scene.  David is seated at a table that the Lord has prepared for him.  Nearby are his enemies.  There are three things in this passage that are beneficial for us and...

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How Countries Are Destroyed, Matt 12:25

How Countries Are Destroyed Matt. 12:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible shows us how countries are destroyed.  Countries are destroyed by: Internal Strife – Matt 12:25 – “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation” Wicked Rulers – 2 Ki 21:10-16 – “Because Manasseh king of Judah hath done...

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Peace With Your Shepherd, Ps 23

In Psalm 23, David wrote, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want”.  To be in want is to be in need of or destitute.  When the Lord is your shepherd, one thing you won’t “want” is peace with your shepherd.  With your shepherd, you will find: Peace in...

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How Long, Ps 13:1-2

How Long Ps. 13:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Four times in Ps 13:1-2 David asks the Lord, How long. His questions remind us that we often grow impatient with the Lord.  David was wondering how long the Lord would forget him, how long he would hide from him, how long he...

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The Land Rested From War, Jos 11:23

The Land Rested From War Jos. 11:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land, they fought with the inhabitants of the land and defeated 31 kings and the land rested from war.  Joshua had completed and won all the battles that God had commanded Moses to...

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The Lord’s Vengeance, Rom 12:19

The earth is the Lord’s, Ps 24:1.  All that that dwell therein are also the Lord’s.  So, men have a responsibility to live by God’s rules and to remember that this is God’s earth.  He gave the dominion of the earth to man [Gen 1:26] and men still have the...

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Who is on the Lord’s Side, Ex 32:26-28

Who is on the Lord’s Side Ex. 32:26-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Moses asked the men of Israel, Who is on the Lord’s side?  And the tribe of Levi came to him.  Then every man put his sword by his side and went in and killed every soul that was involved...

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Judgment Against Israel’s Enemies, Ez 25

These prophecies in Ezekiel 25 are God’s judgment against Israel’s enemies. The Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites and Philistines are Israel’s enemies clockwise from the east of the Dead Sea around to the southwest along the Mediterranean coast.  The Ammonites and Moabites are descendants of Lot through incest with his daughters, Gen...

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