The Tragic Demise of a Good Man 2 Sam 1:17-27

The Tragic Demise of a Good Man II Sam. 1: 17-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Three times in David’s lamentation for Saul and Jonathan in 2 Sam 1:17-27, David said, “How are the mighty fallen,” [2 Sam 1:19, 25, 27].  Saul, indeed, was a mighty man.  He had an excellent beginning...

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The Evil Beast of Envy Gen. 37

The Evil of Envy Gen 37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Introduction: Pray, Read passage Verse 20 “we will say…”, Verse 31-33 “an evil beast hath devoured him” Verse 11, that beast is Envy. What is Envy? Webster’s 1828 – To feel uneasiness, mortification or discontent, at the sight of superior excellence,...

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Striving to keep envy out of our lives.

Striving to Keep Envy Out of Our Lives Romans 13:13 ; Galatians 5:26 Envy is a very difficult thing to keep out of our lives. As we will see in this lesson Envy affects every one of us in some way. Envy also has some horrible results. In the end...

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Draw Near to God Ps. 73:28

Draw Near to God Ps. 73:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is so easy to be drawn away from the Lord.  Asaph was in Psalm 73.  Therefore, we must draw near to God. Draw near to God when: You are drawn away by envy – Ps 73:2-3 – Christians can feel...

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Things God Hates

 Things God Hates Zec.8:16-17 Zechariah was told by the Lord in this passage that there are some things God hates. If we really want to please God we need to take heed to the things God hates. Some times we don’t realize that what we consider a small fib or...

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Getting Rid of Envy Prov. 27: 4

Getting Rid of Envy Prov. 27:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Who is able to stand before envy? Gen 37:11 – Joseph couldn’t [Acts 7:9] – his envious brothers sold him into slavery Ps 106:16 – Moses couldn’t – the envious Jews finally pushed him to speak unadvisedly with his lips and...

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Envy Prov. 14: 30

People want sound hearts today they are heart conscious – but often they don’t realize that a sound heart also involves not being envious – envy is the rottenness of the bones and it will destroy you, not the person against whom you are envious – all of the points...

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Kill Lazarus, Jn 12:9-11

Kill Lazarus John 12: 9-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is unimaginable that the Pharisees would attempt to kill Lazarus.  However, when you understand the origin of the mind of a Pharisee, it makes more sense. The Pharisees ruled people thru fear of retribution. This was accomplished in several ways such...

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