Breath and Spirit, Job 34:14-15

Breath and Spirit Job 34: 14-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are two things given to us by God, without which we would not be alive.  They are our breath and our spirit [Is 42:5].  Job 34:14-15 shows us that without spirit and breath we perish.  Ps 104:29 says, “thou takest...

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The Devil’s Lies, Jn 8:44

The Devil’s Lies Jn 8: 44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of The Devil’s Lies According to Jn 8:44, the devil is a liar and the father of all lies.  He took over the human race in the garden of Eden.  He did it by lying.  The devil has three advantages.  One, he...

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Receive the Gift of God, Rom 6:23

Receive the gift of God Today we’re going to discuss the gift of God in Rom 6:23.  But before we do, we should consider the first part of the verse.  The first part of the verse helps us to understand why God offers us the gift of eternal life in...

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Why Some Don’t Have Eternal Life

Why Some Don’t Have Eternal Life 1 Jn. 5: 9-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Eternal life is the life of Jesus Christ.  He that hath the Son hath life [1 Jn 5:9-12].  Jesus is a gift [Jn 3:16; Eph 2:8-9].  Jesus came that we might have life more abundantly [Jn 10:10]....

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The Good Shepherd, Jn 10:1-15

The Good Shepherd Jn 10:1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The good shepherd is Jesus Christ. And just like a good shepherd, he calls us by name, he leads us out, he gives us abundant life, and he laid down his life for us.  He is the exact opposite of the thief,...

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Troubled But Not Distressed, 2 Cor 4:8

Troubled But Not Distressed 2 Cor. 4:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How was Paul able to be troubled but not distressed? When most of us are troubled, we get very distressed.  Here’s how our life generally goes.  Things are rocking along pretty smoothly.  Then trouble starts to build and we start...

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The Gift of God, Jn 4:5-10

Some people haven’t received everlasting life as a gift of God from this well of water because: They don’t know the gift of God.  Jn 4:10 “If thou KNEWEST the gift of God”.  They don’t know what the gift is. It’s eternal life, v.14.  It is the answer to sin...

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Calling and Election, 2 Pet 1:1-10

In 2 Pet 1:1-10 Peter exhorted us to making your calling and election sure.  There are certain important aspects of our calling and election that we will not discuss today.  Instead, we will concentrate primarily on the main one, your salvation. When you are saved you can be sure you...

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We Know That, 1 Jn 5:14-21

At the end of John’s first epistle, he wrote about four things that we know.  He wrote, “We know that…”.  And these things that we know are important to us in the church.  However, they are absolutely essential to those in the Tribulation. We know that we have the petitions...

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Jesus Rose From the Dead, 1 Cor 15:12-22

Easter Sunday is the day people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  So, today we are going to discuss the resurrection.  Because Jesus rose from the dead: You can trust Jesus to save you.   Save us from our sins.  Save us from hell. You can live his life in you. ...

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