Sifted by Satan

Sifted by Satan Luke 22:31-34                 Sift: to examine minutely or critically, to scrutinize, Separate the fine from the course. In Bible times threshing floors were used to separate the grain from the chaff. The wheat was crushed by oxen walking on it, then it was thrown in the air,...

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Four Essentials in Prayer, 1 Tim 2:8

In 1 Tim 2:1-8, we find that prayer is essential.  In 1 Tim 2:8, we see that there are four essentials in prayer.  When you pray you must: Be instant – Paul said, “I will therefore that men pray everywhere…”.  In Rom 12:12, he said, “continuing instant in prayer.”  Prayer...

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The Lord Trieth The Righteous, Ps 11:5

According to Ps 11:5, “the Lord trieth the righteous.  To try is to put to test or trial; to prove.   When you go through something difficult in your life that puts you to the test, it’s helpful to remember that it isn’t necessarily something that an enemy is doing...

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Rooted and Grounded, Eph 3:17

When I pray for young Christians, I often ask the Lord to lengthen your root and strengthen your foundation in the Lord.  This involves being: Rooted and grounded in love – Eph 3:17 – see Eph 3:19, also.  We love him because he first loved us.  In our ministry, we...

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Because of Your Unbelief

Because of your unbelief Matt.17:14-20 In the previous lesson we learned what faith is. The Bible defines it as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” [Heb.11:1]. Faith is substance and evidence based on God’s word, and we are given this faith through God’s word....

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Be Like a Spider, Man, Prov 30:28

In Prov 30:24-28, there are four little things that are exceeding wise.  The spider is one of them.  She “taketh hold with her hands, and is in kings’ palaces,” [Prov 30:28].  We must be like the spider.  We must hold onto good things, like Paul wrote in 1 Thes 5:21,...

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What is Faith?

What is Faith? Heb.11:1 [Rom.14:23] “For whatsoever is not of faith is sin”[Heb.11:6] “without Faith it is impossible to please God” Without faith, we cannot please God, and anything in our lives that is not of faith, is sin. If someone asked you “what is faith?” what would you say?...

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Where Is Your Faith? Lk 8:22-25

Years ago, Homer Smith preached a sermon on this text and I copied his outline in my Bible.  I’m going to use his outline to preach this text today.   The question Jesus asked his disciples is a great question for us to answer today, “Where is your faith?” Is...

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How to Survive a Bad Day

“How to Survive a Bad Day” Genesis 22:1-19 Have you ever had a bad day? Oh, you will!  Some signs you’re having a bad day: You call suicide prevention and they put you on hold. You turn on the evening news and they are showing emergency routes out of the...

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Faith is the Key, Matt 8:10

Faith is the Key Matt 8:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus mentions great faith and little faith several times between Matt 8 and Matt 17.  Looking at each of these instances shows us that faith is the key ingredient in the strength of our relationship...

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