Add To Your Faith Virtue

Add To Your Faith Virtue 2 Peter 5-7             Verse 5 starts out with “And beside this…”, Peter, in verses 1-4,  has been describing the salvation that we have in Jesus Christ. So getting saved isn’t all there is to the Christian life. Some people get saved and never grow...

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Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts Rom. 12:6-8 and 1 Cor.12:7-11             A Spiritual gift is just that, it is a gift. You can’t earn it any more than you can earn your salvation [Eph.2:8-9]. When you are born again you become a new creature [2 Cor.5:17]. You are baptized into the body of...

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Obedience of Abraham Gen. 12

Obedience to Abraham Gen. 12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we are going to examine the obedience of Abraham in three different episodes in his life.  You’re going to see the hard choices he faced when commanded to obey God and you are also going to see the growth of his...

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“Yet he hath not root in himself”

“Yet he hath not root in himself,” Matt.13:18-23                 The Lord speaks of one that “hath no root in himself” in this passage. In this lesson we will look at a few things about roots and what type you should have. Most of the time they, are not seen, they...

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Converging Kingdoms Matt. 3:2; Mark 1:14

Converging Kingdoms Matt. 3:1 Mark 1:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This study of converging kingdoms is about the coming of the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God and why there is a distinction between the righteousness which is of the law [or what is commonly referred to as “Old...

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Preparations for Jesus Return

Preparations for Jesus Return Titus 2 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should we be doing in anticipation of or in preparation for Jesus Return?  To prepare for Jesus return we should be: Looking for Him – Tit 2:13 – these days everyone is looking for the Tribulation and the antichrist and...

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Isaiah 28:9-13 Childlike Faith

Child Like Faith Is. 28: 9-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Religions are complicated and confusing by design so there will always be a place for the authority of the leaders.  This is typical of the Pharisees, Priests, and Elders.  It is clergy over laity. True Christianity is simple.  The most profound...

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Lot’s Choice of Direction

Godly Choices     [Acts 9:6]         In this passage God got Saul’s attention and it resulted in this response, “Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Saul was now ready to make some Godly choices. If you tend to make choices based on anything other than the word of God, you...

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A Heart Far From God

A Heart Far From God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When your heart gets far from God, it will affect: Your Love – v.2 – “they found fault” – Jesus had come to heal them and to save them and all they could do is criticize him – men whose hearts stray...

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The Fruit of the Spirit

The Fruit of the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The fruit of the Spirit is singular fruit, not plural “fruits.”  In other words, when the Holy Spirit is producing this fruit in your life, you will see all aspects of it in varying degrees in your life. First, notice that this...

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