Hannah’s Faith, 1 Sam 1:12-27
1 Sam 1:12-27 Hannah’s Faith CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Hannah had a tremendous faith and, consequently, she received an answer to her petition for a man child. Notice some qualities of her faith: She had a strong enough faith to: Keep on praying – 1 Sam 1:12 – Christians sometimes become...
Pleasing God, 1 Thes 4:1
Pleasing God 1 Thes. 4:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Thes 4:1 says, “Ye ought to walk and to please God.” This lesson is about pleasing God. And not just about pleasing God once but abounding more and more in pleasing God. You cannot please God and be a: Self-pleaser –...
Miracles of Jesus: Lesson #4 The Palsied Man Healed
Miracles of Jesus Lesson #4 The Palsied Man Healed (Mark 2:1-12) This is a great story concerning one of the miracles that Jesus performed. It is not just the fact that he healed the palsied man but the events that led up to this man being healed. From this miracle...
Our Assurance of Salvation, 1 Jn 5:13
Our Assurance of Salvation 1 Jn. 5:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our assurance of salvation is based upon the Bible; it is not based upon a feeling we have or a doctrine of man. Getting saved is easy. It is simply a matter of believing what Jesus Christ said and...
Cornelius’ Salvation, Acts 10
Cornelius’ Salvation Acts 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon examines Cornelius salvation. Cornelius was like many religious men. He was good but he wasn’t saved. He had to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ to be saved. Perhaps, studying Cornelius salvation will help you realize your own need of Jesus...
Rahab’s Testimony, Jos 2:1-24
Rahab’s testimony is remarkable, Jos 2:1-24. Notice: Rahab’s Testimony of Faith – Heb 11:31. In Jos 2:9-11 she believed in the Lord. Then in v.12-13 she believed she could be saved and that she needed to be saved. In v.14 she believed the words of the spies. And in v.17-21 she...
Control Your Emotions, Matt 14:25-31
In Matt 14:25-31, when the disciples were in a ship in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves, Matt 14:24, Jesus went to them walking on the sea. When they saw him, they were troubled and they cried out for fear. Jesus responded, “Be of good cheer; it is...
Good Moms, Prov 31:1
Good Moms Prov. 31:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible has much to say about good moms. If you will follow what the Bible says, you are not guaranteed that all of your children will turn out just right. But you have the best opportunity of rearing good children if you...
An Example of the Believers in Faith
I Timothy 4:12 “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” Introduction: In this lesson we are dealing with the faith that Paul speaks about in this verse. Faith– Hebrews 11:1-3 “Faith is the substance of things...