The Purpose of Our Faith

The Purpose of Our Faith Mark 2:1-12 I this passage we see Jesus heal a man that is sick with the palsy. But the interesting thing is that it all happens based on the faith of 4 men. In this sermon we will look at how our faith also has...

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Rahab’s Faith, Heb 11:31

This sermon is about Rahab’s faith mentioned in Heb 11:31 and demonstrated in Jos 2.  When the spies came to Jericho they ended up in Rahab’s house.  When the king sent word for her to bring them forth to him, she hid them instead.  And then she sent his pursuers...

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Sin Defined, 1 Jn 3:4

Sin Defined 1 Jn 3:4  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  The trouble that many Christians have in life results from an unclear definition of sin.  This lesson on sin defined will help you to understand that many of the difficulties that you haven’t been able to solve in your life are...

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They Seek a Country, Heb 11:8-16

Our text is Heb 11:8-16.  Heb 11:14 says, they seek a country.  Are you seeking a country? Abraham was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance.  When you get saved and seek a country, you should follow what Abraham did.   If...

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God’s Will for Children, Lk 1:13-17

This sermon is about God’s will for children.  You should try to know from early childhood what you’re going to do, what your calling is.  And then direct all of your effort and attention toward this.  Dave Walker, MD, a South African anesthesiologist, knew by the time he was 7...

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Take Heed Lest Ye Fall, 1 Cor 10:12

1 Cor 10:12 says, “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall”.  It’s easy to trip or slip in the Christian life and fall.  Therefore, we are going to examine the areas in which you are most likely to fall, so that you can take heed...

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Essential Elements to Prayer, Mk 14:36

In Mk 14:36, Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane before his crucifixion.  He said, “Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt”.  In Christ’s supplication we see four essential elements to prayer that should...

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The Bridge of Hope

The Bridge of Hope 1 Corinthians 13:13 Hope – Desire of some good, accompanied with at least a slight expectation of obtaining it or       belief of obtaining it, or belief that it is obtainable.             Hope is different form a wish or desire in this, that it implies some...

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How to Live in Perilous Times, Hab 3:18

How to Live in Perilous Times Hab. 3:18 CLICK TITLE FOR  AUDIO There is no question that the world is in perilous times.  And the topic among Christians often concerns how to live in perilous times.  Some want to hunker down and await the coming “storm,” some want all the...

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A Servant of God, Ps 105

In Ps 105, three times we find a reference to a servant of God.  Ps 105:6, Abraham as a servant.  In Ps 105:17, Joseph was a servant.  Ps 105:26, Moses was a servant.  We know these men very well from our Bible.  But they each had to endure some things...

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