Keep The Unity, Eph 4:3

Ps 133:1 how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity.  The Lord said this.  He said it is good and pleasant when brethren dwell together in unity.  Brethren dwelling together in unity is like the precious ointment upon the head… skirts of his garments. ...

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Faith in Prayer, Lk 18:1-8

This message is about our need of faith in prayer. In Lk 18:1-8, Jesus spoke a parable to his disciples to the end that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.  This parable is about a woman who came to a judge so he would avenge her of...

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The Good Fight of Faith, 1 Tim 6:12

Paul told Timothy to fight the good fight of faith.  Whether you know it or not, we are in a fight.  And our key opponent is the devil.  One of the problems in war is insufficient or inaccurate intelligence.  Thankfully, we have good intelligence.  Paul said of the devil, our...

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The Faith that Pleases God, Heb 11:5-6

The Faith That Pleases God What is essential to pleasing God.  Giving? Attending church? Witnessing? Praying? What is the key to pleasing God?  What is the one thing without which we cannot please God?  Faith, and particularly, the faith that pleases God. Heb 11:5-6, says, “Without faith it is impossible...

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The Provision of God, Phil 4:10-13

The Provision of God The Example of Jesus This message is about learning to work within the provision of God.  We see a great example in Jesus Christ.  Before Jesus started his ministry he had good parents to whom he was subject (Lk 2:51), he had a good teacher in...

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Faith in Christ, Acts 24:22-27

Preaching Faith in Christ Felix “sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have convenient season, I will call for thee,” Acts 24:24-25.  Felix...

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Pastor John Robinson – Things That Are Wanting, Titus 1:5

Pastor John Robinson preached from Titus 1:5 on things that are wanting or lacking in churches toward missions.  Ecc 1:15 says, “that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”  There is no want of lost souls and needy people, and there is no want of technology, transportation, communication, or money to...

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Not By Sight, 2 Cor 5:7

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 2 Cor 5:7, “We walk by faith, not by sight.”  Faith is the evidence of things not seen, Heb 11:1.  It’s found in hearing the words of God, Rom 1:17.  Sight is, of course, the view you have of...

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Gathered Together For War, Ps 140:1-13

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In Ps 140:2 David wrote, “continually are they gathered together for war.”  Men fight.  That’s just what they do.  They fight over land, over women, over control, over territory, over the kids, over politics, over religion, etc.  You name it;...

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The Trying of Your Faith, Jas 1:2-3

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 1 Sam 17:38-39, when David was preparing to fight Goliath, he said, “I have not proved them,” speaking of Saul’s armor.  David assayed to go, meaning he was attempting to go with Saul’s armor but he hadn’t proved it. ...

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