A Deceitful Heart, Jer 17:9

A Deceitful Heart Jer.17: 9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble with a deceitful heart according to this text is that the man who has it doesn’t know it. The Lord asks, “Who can know it?”  Well, as hard as it is for us to know the deceit of our own...

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Religion is Damnable, Acts 10:2

Religion Is Damnable Acts 10: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Religion is damnable because: Religious People Aren’t Saved In Acts 10, we read the account of the conversion of Cornelius and his household to Christ.  In Acts 10:34-35, we find that Cornelius had been working righteousness. And yet the Lord did...

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Dagon 1 Sam. 5:1-5

 Dagon 1 Sam. 5:1-5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Dagon is the fish god of the Philistines.  It is interesting when the ark is put in the house of Dagon that the statue falls to the ground before the ark.  And on the next day it is on the ground again but this time...

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Idols and Priest of Micah

Judges 17:1-13 The Young Man Became Micah’s Priest CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jud 17:1-13, we see something terribly wrong with the idols and priest of Micah.  Micah making these idols and consecrating this priest is what’s wrong with a religion doing this today.  In this passage, consecrating Micah’s priest entailed: The wrong concept...

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Some Problems With Idolatry, Jud 18:1-31

Jud 18:1-31 Some Problems with Idolatry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Idolatry, in and of itself, is unlawful [Exodus 20:4-6] and consequential in that it continues through successive generations and incurs the wrath of God.  In this passage, the idolatry of Micah gets transferred to the Danites and ultimately leads to their downfall...

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Teach Them the Manner, 2 Ki 17:24-33

Teach Them the Manner 2Ki 17:24-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The king of Assyria conquered Israel and took the inhabitants of the cities of Samaria captive.  He removed them from the land and replaced them with men from other countries [2 Ki 17:24].  These emigrants didn’t know God and they...

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Israel Served False Gods, Jud 10:6-9

Israel Served False Gods Jud 10:6-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jud 10:6-9 Israel served Baalim and the gods of the nations around them.  Interestingly, they were attacked by the same countries whose gods they served.  There are grave national implications to us in the United States concerning this same problem....

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We Will Serve The Lord Joshua 24:15

We Will Serve The Lord Joshua 24:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our homes are in serious danger of moral and spiritual collapse in these perilous times.  How can we stem the tide of apostasy that is taking churches and families out to sea?  One thing we must do is choose whom...

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Isaiah 46:1-13 The Fall of the Babylonian Gods

The Fall of the Babylonian Gods Isaiah 46:1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is a running commentary, verse by verse, through Is 46:1-13. Is 46:1 – Bel [Jer 50:2, Jer 51:44] and Nebo are Babylonian gods – Bel is the principal Babylonian god – we find his name associated with...

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