The Local Church and the Family

The Local Church and the Family  Acts 2:41-47 What is the church? The church is the body of Jesus Christ according to Romans 12:4-5 & Ephesians 5:30.  It is also the pillar and ground of the truth according to 1 Timothy 3:15.  A person becomes a member of the body...

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Holiness in the Home

Our vocabulary needs to be God’s vocabulary, but it isn’t.  We have called drunkenness alcoholism.  A thief is a kleptomaniac.  Someone who wallows in thoughts about themselves is called manically depressed by psychology.  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a statement about what someone is doing, but not why they do it....

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The Family Altar

Think ahead 10-15 years to where your family will be, not physically or careerwise but spiritually. Our children are the future of this church and we are the immediate future.  As you know things die down and get worse so what you are doing now spiritually subtract from that.  Sin...

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The Role of a Husband

Ephesians 5:22-28 Every member of the family has responsibilities according to their God-given role.  A husband’s responsibilities are laid out in the Bible as three “L”s: Love, Lead, and Labor.  All these describe the protective and stabilizing influence the husband is to the household. Love Husbands love your wives (Ephesians...

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God’s Family Order

God’s Family Order The Bible clearly spells out the order of authority God intends for man to adhere to. Along with the order of authority comes an order of submission. We will look in two passages (for by two or three witnesses is every word established). Most every problem found...

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What Weakens/Strengthens a Family

Ephesians 6: 14 What Weakens/Strengthens the Family CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The following weaken the family: Disagreement between the parents – Gen 21:9-11             Finances             Rules             Discipline             Expectations             Friends Allowing instruction that causes to err from the words of knowledge – Prov 19:27             Education             Television,...

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