Intercessory Prayer III, 1Sam 12:23

1 Sam 12:23 Intercessory Prayer III CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Intercessory prayer can be very difficult because it is for others and not for ourselves and so we don’t have the same urgency when we approach the throne of grace on their behalf.  Furthermore, there are some other problems: Forgetfulness –...

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We Must Fast and Pray, Dan 9

I sense the need and direction from the Lord to fast and pray as a church.  When people fast and pray in the Bible, God gives them: Discernment – Dan 9:3, 22.  God gave Daniel skill and understanding and the ability to discern the ultimate significance of the prophecy given...

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How God Chastens Us, Ps 94:12

As we saw in the prior broadcast, the Lord chastens us.  He chastens us because he loves us.   He wants us to partake of his holiness and bear the peaceable fruit of his righteousness.  In this broadcast, we will see how God chastens us.  God chastens us: With His...

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Prayer and Supplication with Fasting

This is the second sermon in a four part series on Prayer and Supplication.  For part one, see Humble Prayer and Supplication. For part three, see Prayer and Supplication with Crying. This sermon is about the benefits of prayer and supplication with fasting.  Adding fasting to your prayer: Sharpens your...

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Fasting 1-2-3

Fasting 1-2-3 Matt.17:14-21 Fasting is a tool that the Lord has provided for us. It is not something that you would use daily, but only as needed. He also showed us that that there are times that it is needed, verse 21. Prayer and fasting, they go together, without prayer,...

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Then Shall they Fast, Mk 2:18-20

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In Mk 2:18-20 Jesus replied to a question about fasting with, “But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.”  Jesus is the bridegroom; the church is...

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And Pray, Matt 17:21

Last Wednesday, Pastor Randy showed us that prayer puts God’s work in God’s hands.  God is in heaven with open hands waiting for us to pray.  He is ready to answer if we will just pray. In the Bible we find three things to do when you pray.  We are...

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Fasting Matt. 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord spoke to his disciples about fasting as if he expected them to do it.  He said, “When ye fast,” not “If you fast.”  Fasting is very important in our relationship with the Lord. In Est 4:15-17, Esther and her maidens and Mordecai...

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Ebenezer, 1 Sam 7:1-12

1 Sam 7:1-12 Ebenezer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 7:1-12, Ebenezer is the stone that was placed for a memorial in Israel.  It is very significant because it represents the day and the battle in which the Lord helped Israel against the Philistines.  His help, though, was predicated upon...

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