Fathers Bring Them Up Eph.6:4

Ephesians 6:4 Fathers Bring Them Up CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fathers have the duty of seeing to the spiritual nurturing of their children.  Trouble with broken homes is that dad is not there.  He gets the kids ½ of the time or less.  What if the step dad is home with...

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Fathers Eph. 6:23

Fathers Eph. 6:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often when we are teaching discipleship lessons, we teach on our new relationship to God by comparing Him to an earthly father.  This way a new convert can understand what it means to have God as his Father.  As our earthly fathers love us,...

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Eli: Passive Fathers 1 Sam 3:11

Eli. Passive Fathers 1 Sam 3:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Samuel 3:11-14 Our culture has been scourged with fathers who will not parent.  Passive means you neglect the responsibility God’s given you.  Passive does not mean you need to be more aggressive and express anger more often to give...

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Eli: Permissive Fathers

1 Samuel 3:11-14 In this lesson we will look at Eli, the high priest in Israel who God holds responsible for the wickedness of his children because God said he restrained them not.  Today, fathers are too permissive with their children and what God tells Eli can be applied to...

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Following God’s Example

Following God’s Example CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about following God’s example of fatherhood.  Here Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an example.  He wanted them to learn to serve each other.  His example is profound because he was their master and yet he humbled himself to be their...

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Elimelech – A Carnally Minded Father

Ruth 1:1-6 Elimelech was a a carnally minded father.  Let’s find out what that means, why it is bad, and what dads can do to avoid being carnally minded. Pursues Convenience over the Will of God You will constantly be pushed and stressed to move in a direction contrary to...

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Forget Not My Law Proverbs 3: 1-4

Forget Not My Law Prov. 3:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb has to do with a son receiving the law given to him by his father who shows him the benefit of keeping it. If a child receives no instruction or has a father and mother who do not exercise...

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