Walk In Victory Over Fear, Heb 2:15

Walk In Victory Over Fear Heb.2:15 CLICKTITLE FOR AUDIO There are four things of which Christians are particularly afraid.  Christians fear the loss of their life, their self-esteem or self-worth, their reputation and their dignity.  Put another way, Christians fear death, falling, dishonor and derision.  As my former pastor used to...

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Defeating the Giants, 1 Sam 17:4-51

Defeating the Giants in Your Life 1 Sam 17: 4-51 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson on defeating the giants in your life is based upon the scriptures that record David’s fight with Goliath.  This sermon is meant to encourage you in your fight against the giant or giants in your...

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Defy Your Heart, Prov 28:26

Defy Your Heart Prov. 28:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Defy Your Heart Prov 28:26 says, “he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool”.  If you are following your heart in a matter, you’d better be very careful because your heart is prone to lead you astray.  In times when...

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The Fear of the Lord (Part 2)

The Fear of the Lord (Part 2) Ephesians 5:21 In the first lesson we focused on how man is going to fear something as a result of our sin nature so we should fear the Lord. In this lesson we are going to look at the examples of Saul, David,...

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The Fear of the Lord (Part One)

The Fear of the Lord (Part 1) Ephesians 5:21 Ephesians 5:21-33 is a familiar passage for young families. It is often used for both teaching and preaching about families. The husband is told to love the wife as Jesus loved the church and the wife is told to submit to...

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Walk by Faith not by Feelings, 2 Cor 5:7

Walk By Faith Not By Feelings In giving counsel to folks, we often find that they are being led by feelings rather than by the facts of God’s words and faith in these words.  We are to walk by faith not by feelings.  But getting this point across can be...

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Motivated By Fear, 1 Kings 8:40

Motivated by Fear 1 Kings 8:40 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Motivated By Fear This lesson is on being motivated by fear.  Men have always used fear to motivate people.  And as long as the person is truly afraid of whatever you are scaring him with, you can move him to do...

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What Weakens Faith, Mk 4:40

What Weakens Faith When Jesus and the disciples were caught in a great storm of wind, and their boat filled with water from the waves, the disciples thought they were going to perish.  Jesus, on the other hand, was asleep on a pillow.  The disciples woke him up and said,...

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Deterrents to Witnessing, Lk 9:23-24

Deterrents to Witnessing Lk 9: 23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are times that we know the Lord is dealing with us about witnessing to somebody.  It is more than a burden. The Holy Spirit is gently leading us to speak to them about their soul and we don’t do it. ...

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When Ye Pray Believe, Mk 11:23-24

When Ye Pray Believe In Mk 11:24, Jesus told his disciples, “when ye pray believe”.  In Mk 11:22 he said, “Have faith in God”.  So, we are to pray in faith, believing.  Yet, there are three things that can prevail against your faith and weaken it.  We’re going to talk...

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