Don’t Envy Sinners, Prov 23:17

Don’t Envy Sinners Prov. 23:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A problem for many Christians is that they envy sinners.  They think that sinners get to have all the fun.  Sometimes we talk about peer pressure.  But this isn’t peer pressure.  This is pressure that you put on yourself because you want...

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The Thief on the Cross Believed, Lk 23:39-43

The Thief on the Cross Believed Lk 23:39-43 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People offer a lot of excuses for why they can’t believe on Jesus.  However, you can believe on Jesus; the thief on the cross believed.  And if he did surely you can.  The thief on the crossbelieved in spite...

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Spiritual Depression, 1 Ki 19:4

In many cases, depression is something you can address spiritually and practically rather than chemically, through anti-depressants.  You can often make changes in your spiritual life that will improve your emotional and mental health.  Furthermore, if depression is exacerbated by your lifestyle and diet, you can make the necessary lifestyle...

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Passive Aggressive Behavior, 2 Sam 14:28-33

Passive Aggressive Behavior 2 Sam. 14:28-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t really like calling this message Passive Aggressive Behavior because that is a term applied by Psychology to the behavior that we are going to discuss today. Nevertheless, I chose that title because you may have heard it and be...

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The God of Greatness, 1 Chr 16:23-27

The God of Greatness 1 Chr. 16:23-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Chr 16:25 says, For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised.  This lesson is on the God of greatness.  In 1 Chr 16:23-27 we see the greatness of God’s: Restoration – Rom 8:19-23 right now all of...

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The Beauty of Esther, Esther 2:7

The Beauty of Esther Esther 2:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In her character we find the beauty of Esther the queen.  We see the beauty of her: Virginity.  Est 2:2, 7  Her virginity qualified her to be considered for the position of queen.  In a television interview the Kardashian sisters they...

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The Paths of Wisdom, Prov 3:17

Ps 25:4 says, “Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths.”  So, the Lord has some paths that we can find in the Bible and these are the paths upon which you and I should walk through this life.  Thus far, we have studied the paths of life, the paths...

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Labor To Enter The Rest, Heb 4:1-16

The Hebrews in the Tribulation must labor to enter the rest that was promised to them in their land during the millennial reign of Jesus The Rest Was Promised To The Hebrews v.1 Let us therefore fear.  Paul has been comparing the Jews who wandered in the wilderness, who were...

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Why Children Stray, Prov 2:13

Why Children Stray Prov 2:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson should help parents to understand why children stray so they can take measures to try to prevent their children from leaving the paths of righteousness when they are older.  And this message should help young people to know what...

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Be In Health, 3 Jn 2

John wrote to his friend Gaius and wished for him to be in health.  According to the Bible, there are spiritual things you can do to improve your health.  So, often we concentrate on the physical, medical, and nutritional interventions and overlook the spiritual.  Regardless whether you are in good...

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