Who Is This, Lk 9:1-22

Who Is This? The reason God directed Luke to write Lk 9:1-22 was to answer the question that Herod raised in Lk 9:9, “Who is this”?  By the time we get to verse 22, you’ll know who this is.  How would they have known the answer to “Who is this”?...

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Five Barley Loaves and Two Small Fishes Jn 6:9

Five Barley Loaves and Two Small Fishes Jn 6:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Read the gospel records of feeding the five thousand in Matt 14:13-21; Mk 6:35-44; Lk 9:12-17; and Jn 6:5-14.   The Lord had been moved with compassion when he saw the people.  The disciples, on the other hand,...

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There is a Lad Here John 6:9

 There is a Lad Here Jn. 6 :9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO So often we don’t do something that we can do for God because the thing we can do seems to be so insignificant.  But insignificant people doing seemingly insignificant things abound in the Bible.  And yet they turn out...

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Feeding the Five Thousand 2, Jn 6:1-14

Doctrinal & Spiritual Application of John 6:1-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we study the doctrinal and spiritual applications of this passage. The doctrinal application of this scripture is prophetic.  Look at verse 14.  The people say that Jesus was the prophet that should come into the world, a...

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Feeding the Five Thousand, Jn 6:1-14

Feeding of Five Thousand John 6:1-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Feeding the five thousand is one of the most famous miracles that Jesus ever did.  This miracle is documented in all four gospels. Everything in the Bible has these applications: the historical application, doctrinal application, and spiritual application.  This lesson will study the...

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Matthew 14:13-21 Feeding the Five Thousand

Matt 14:13-21 Feeding the Five Thousand CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Feeding the five thousand is one of the most well known miracles in the Bible. As a matter of fact, it is recorded in all four gospels. There is much that we can learn about this miracle from the passage and the...

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