Do Not Give Up Ground, 2 Sam 23:11-12

Don’t Give Up Your Ground 2 Sam 23:11-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Shammah was one of David’s mighty men.  He defended a piece of ground full of lentils from a troop of the Philistines.  They were gathered together to get the ground and every one else had fled from the Philistines. ...

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The Lord’s Side, Ex 32:26

The Lord’s Side Ex. 32: 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the children of Israel sinned against the Lord in Ex 32, “Moses stood in the gate of the camp, and said, Who is on the Lord’s side? Let him come unto me.  And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves...

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Encourage Him, Deut 1:38

Encourage Him Deut. 1:38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord told Moses to encourage Joshua, his replacement, as he was about to lead Israel into the Promised Land.  He needed to encourage him because he was going to cause Israel to inherit the land.  We likewise need to encourage our replacements...

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David’s Character, 1 Sam 16:18

1 Sam 16:18 David’s Character CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage of scripture, we see some of David’s traits that reveal the composition and depth of his character.  David was: An Astute Man – cunning in playing.  It is more than talent that gave David the ability to play...

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No Restraint to the Lord, 1 Sam 14:6

1 Sam 14:6 No Restraint to the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jonathan encouraged his armor bearer to go with him to fight against a garrison of the Philistines by reminding him that there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few.  So, the two of...

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They Killed Each Other, 1 Sam 14:16

They Killed Each Other 1 Sam. 14:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jonathan and his armor bearer attacked a garrison of the Philistines, they killed about 20 men [1 Sam 14:14].  But after that, a great multitude died when they killed each other.  In battle, there are times when the...

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War, Prov 20:18

War first appears in Gen 14:2, when four kings attacked Sodom and Gomorrah and the three neighboring cities.  History is filled with war.  During David’s reign there was a season for battle, 2 Sam 11:1.  And today is no different.  Conciliation rarely works.   Thucydides trap describes a scenario where...

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The Land Rested From War, Jos 11:23

The Land Rested From War Jos. 11:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land, they fought with the inhabitants of the land and defeated 31 kings and the land rested from war.  Joshua had completed and won all the battles that God had commanded Moses to...

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Lay Hold On Eternal Life, 1 Tim 6:6-19

There is so much more to having eternal life than just being able to go to heaven when you die.  Of course, going to heaven is wonderful.  But if you could have more, wouldn’t you want it?  You can have more.  We are instructed to lay hold on eternal life,...

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Without A Cause – Chris Rue

Missionary Chris Rue, to Ukraine, preached from 1 Sam 17:29. In this passage, David asked, “Is there not a cause”? And indeed there was a reason for him to step into the fight with Goliath. Yet, most Christians only talk about the fight; they aren’t actually in it. And the...

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