Rejoice in the Cross, Heb 12:1-3

Heb 12 1-3 Rejoice in the Cross CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul told us to rejoice evermore [1 Thes 5:16]. We have some reasons to rejoice. We should rejoice in the cross.  When Jesus went to the cross there was joy set before him.  There is a great cloud of witnesses...

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Finish His Work, Jn 4:34

Finish His Work Jn. 4:34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said, My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to finish his work.  Each of us has something to do for the Lord.  We should follow Jesus’ example of how to get it done.  To finish...

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How to Live (A Study in Ecclesiastes) Lesson #8 The End

How to Live (A Study in Ecclesiastes)  Lesson #8 The End (Ecclesiastes 7:1-8) In the passage for our lesson Solomon makes multiple comparisons concerning things that are better than something else. In this lesson we will look at some of these comparisons in order to learn two things. First off,...

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Our Guide Even Unto Death, Ps 48:14

Death is inevitable.  It came as a consequence of Adam’s sin and has been passed down to all of us.  None can escape it.  And death won’t be destroyed until after the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.  1 Cor 15:25-26, “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies...

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On The First Day, 2 Chr 29:17

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 2 Chr 29:3-5, Hezekiah told the priests and the Levites to sanctify themselves and to sanctify the house of the Lord. He said, “Carry forth the filthiness out of the holy place.”   In 2 Chr 29:17, “they began...

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The Joys of the Ministry, Phil 2:1-2d

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON There are lots of pressures, prayers, griefs, and heartaches in the work of the ministry.  Sometimes, pastors think it would just be easier to be an evangelist, so that they wouldn’t have to get wrapped up in all the problems. ...

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Gideon a Good Soldier Jud 6:12

Gideon a Good Soldier Jud 6:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gideon a good soldier.  Gideon is the perfect example of the soldier God wants us to be. God chose Gideon to fight the Midianites because Gideon: Fed himself while under enemy oppression.  Jud 6:11 threshed wheat by the winepress.  Jud 6:4...

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Our Father Shall Rejoice, Prov 23:24

We are the children of God.  We are the sons of God and, therefore, God is our Father.  And just like any father who smiles with joy when his children do what he likes, so there are certain things we do that cause our Father to rejoice.  And the beautiful...

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Why Did Jesus Stay on the Cross?

Why Did Jesus Stay on the Cross Matt. 27:39 50 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why did Jesus stay on the cross? Jesus didn’t come down from the cross when he was taunted by the people around him: Because it pleased his Father – Is 53:10 says, “It pleased the Lord to...

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A Servant’s Heart

 A Servant’s Heart  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Lord’s work we are called to serve.  And the greatest way to become a great servant is to develop a servant’s heart.  Paul, in this text, gives us a great example of his servant’s heart.  A servant who has a servant’s...

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