What The Word Is Like, 1 Pet 1:23

What the Word is Like 1 Pet. 1:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible we can learn a lot about the word of God by seeing what the word is like.  According to the texts that we will study today, the Bible is like seven different things.  The word is...

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A Literal Hell, Lk 16:19-31

Lk 16 19-31 A Literal Hell CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lk 16:19-31 is a passage that gives the reader a lot of information about a literal Hell.  For this reason that many pastors and teachers teach that the passage is a parable.  Many of them don’t believe in a literal hell....

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The Attractive Lure of Sin

The Attractive Lure of Sin Proverbs 6:20-35 In the passage for this lesson, we see both a warning to follow the commandments and instructions of our parents. There is also the result of not following the commandments and instructions of our parents found in this passage. The result is sin...

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Hell, Fire or Eternal Separation From God, Ps 139:8

Hell, Fire or Eternal Separation from God Ps. 139:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The purpose of this broadcast is to answer the question, Is hell fire or eternal separation from God?  There are those who preach that hell is only a place of eternal separation and not a place of fire. ...

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God Desires Fruit From You, Rom 7:4

God Desires Fruit From You Rom. 7: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “We should bring forth fruit unto God,” [Rom 7:4].  We should be “fruitful in every good work,” [Col 1:10].  When you study passages in the New Testament that deal with fruit, you realize that God desires fruit.  For us...

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The Most Dangerous Thing We Own

The Most Dangerous Thing We Own James 3:1-18 The main subject from this passage in James is the tongue. As we will see in this passage the tongue is an extremely dangerous member. It is important for us to view the tongue as dangerous in order to avoid problems that...

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The Vine Tree, Ezek 15:1-8

The prophecy of the vine tree in Ezek 15:1-8 foretells the destruction of Jerusalem by fire.   The Vine Tree Typifies Israel The prophecy begins in v.2 with a comparison of the value of wood from the vine tree to the other trees in the forest.  Israel is like the...

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Coals of Fire, Ezek 10:1-22

In Ezek 10, Ezekiel sees the vision of the living creature that he saw in Ezek 1.  In this vision, the Lord instructed the man clothed with linen to take coals of fire from between the cherubims and scatter them over the city. Coals Of Fire, Ezek 10:1-7 When Ezekiel...

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