Affections, Col 3:2

Affections Col. 3:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Affection is a moderate feeling or emotion: a kind feeling: a tender attachment: love.  Today we are going to study the various affections mentioned in the Bible to help us understand where our affection ought to be and where they ought not to be....

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They Provoked God, Ps 78:40

Ps 78 is a Psalm about the history of Israel’s relationship to God.  It is instructive to the generations to come so they might set their hope in God, Ps 78:2-8.  The future generations must learn from the mistakes of the prior generations.  They provoked God with: They Provoked God...

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Declaration of Independence, Jn 8:36

Declaration of Independence Jn 8:36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Excerpts from the declaration of independence encourage us to declare our independence from our former tyrannical rulers, the devil, the world and the flesh. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands...

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Will Worship, Col 2:18-23

In Col 2:18-23, Paul warns against will worship.  He warned us against being spoiled by philosophy and vain deceit in Col 2:8, against being judged by the law in Col 2:16, and against being beguiled by will worship in Col 2:18-23.  Will worship is the worship of your own self-will. ...

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Fearful Rev.21:1-8 Many times we bring lost people to this passage to show them where “unbelieving” people go at the final judgment. But, “fearful” people are listed first. I realize this passage does not affect a saved child of God, but we all stand before the same God (Heb.13:5-8), and...

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Our Spiritual Death, Eph 2:1-3

Before we were saved, we were dead in trespasses and sins. According to Rom 5:12, death came as a result of Adam’s transgression against Gen 2:17.  When Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, everything about them was affected by death.  And so,...

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Our Warfare, 2 Cor 10:3-6

From the moment we get saved, we are in a war.  We have the Spirit of God in us, but we are still in this earthly body.  And it’s wicked.  It’s our warfare and we must fight it.  Like men are trained to know their enemy, to use their weapons...

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Deal With Your Sin

Deal With Your Sin [Rom.3:23] For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; [Rom.3:10] As it is written, There is none righteous, no not one: Jesus Christ dealt with our sin, on the cross, as it pertains to eternal life and the penalty of death [Rom.5:12]...

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Ye Cannot Gal.5:17

Ye Cannot Gal. 5:17 Rom.7:15-21 CLICK TITLE  FOR AUDIO What did Paul mean when he said, “ye cannot do the things that ye would,” [Gal 5:17]?  Well, to understand this, we should look at Rom 7:15-21.  In this passage, Paul describes the dilemma of a man who knows what he is...

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The Law of Sin

The Law of Sin Rom.7:23-25   Paul is speaking of a law that brings him into captivity, this law works through his members (flesh). This is the Law of Sin. In the previous verses he explains that he can’t do the things he would and does do the things he...

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