Enemy Attacks Eph. 6:11-12

Enemy Attacks Eph. 6:11-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that we are subject to enemy attacks from three enemies.  They are the devil [Eph 6:11-12; 1 Pet 5:8-9], the world [Jas 4:4; 1 Jn 2:15-17], and the flesh [Rom 7:18-21; Rom 8:7-8].  The devil attacks mainly through deception [Rev 12:9]. ...

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Just Keep Walking

Just Keep Walking PS.1:1-3 Just keep walking. In this passage is a progression, walking, then standing, and finally sitting. It warns us of three wrong things that we should not do. But it does state that the blessed man will do pretty well if he does not do these things....

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Grow in the Knowledge of God II Pet. 3:17

Grow in the Knowledge of God II Pet. 3:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I am convinced that the reason some Christians don’t grow much is that they don’t grow in the knowledge of God.  They are content to know that they are saved but they make no effort to get to...

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Carnally Minded and Spiritually Minded Christians, Rom 8:1-21

Carnally Minded and Spiritually Minded Christians Romans 8:1-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8:1-8 Paul contrasts carnally minded and spiritually minded Christians.  Both are saved but only one pleases God.  We will study this passage by simply explaining the differences between carnally minded and spiritually minded Christians. Spiritually minded Christians...

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Identify Your Enemies

Identify Your Enemies Prov.27:6 Last lesson we studied “friends”. This lesson we are studying about “enemies”. According to this verse we can be deceived, and it may be harder that you think to identify your enemies. An enemy is something who hates or opposes another and tries to harm them...

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Flee Fornication, 1 Cor 6:13-20

 The Body is Not For Fornication 1 Cor. 6:13-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fornication was prohibited for Gentiles in Acts 15:20.  Yet the Corinthians had been committing fornication and Paul had to give them spiritual reasons why they could not do that anymore.  Obviously, their attitude was that the belly was...

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Make No Provision for Your Flesh 2 Samuel 11-12

Make No Provision for Your Flesh 2 Sam. 11-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 2 Samuel 11:1 …the time when kings go forth to battle… But David tarried at Jerusalem. If you’re not in the fight you’ll be doing something else.  That something else is no replacement for being in the battle. The...

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Eating His Flesh and Blood, Jn 6:48-64

Eating His Flesh and Blood John 6:48-64 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is one of the passages that have been used to teach that communion, eating his flesh and blood, is a sacrament essential for salvation. This is not true and we are going to find out why. Jesus used their...

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