Biblical Instruction, Prov 8:10

Biblical Instruction Prov. 8:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Biblical Instruction is of greater value to you than the accumulation of wealth [Prov 8:10].   Today we are going to look at Biblical instruction to see where it comes from, what it does for you and what happens to you when you refuse it....

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Folly, Ecc 10:1-15

In Ecc 10:1-15, Solomon elaborates on his wise understanding of folly. Folly in Reputation, v.1 Practically speaking, this is true.  The ointment of the apothecary can have a sweet smell, as in Ex 30:34-35.  But if a few flies die in the confection, the savor is going to stink with...

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Folly and Joy

Folly and Joy Proverbs 15:21 In the passage before we see the words folly and joy. But if we read the proverb we see that folly is joy to him that is destitute of wisdom. That seems like such a contradiction, how can folly be joy? The truth is that...

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