Two Invitations, Prov 9:1-18

Two Invitations Prov. 9:1-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Proverbs 9, there are two invitations.  One is from wisdom and the other is from the foolish woman.  The recipients of the invitations are identical but that to which they are being invited is drastically different.  We need to look at these...

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Way of the Evil Man, Prov 2:12

18-04-12 Prov 2 12 The Way of The Evil Man CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Proverbs, there are numerous references to “the way.”  Some of these references are negative, like the way of the evil man, the way of the wicked, the way of a fool and so forth. And...

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Fools In The House of God, Ecc 5:1-7

Solomon built the house of the Lord. So he was very aware of some principle things that men should consider when coming to the house of the Lord.  He warned against being fools in the house of God. Keep thy foot.  When Solomon finished the house, the glory of the...

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Dealing With Opposition, Prov 25:9

Dealing With Opposition Prov. 25:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible gives us clear instructions on how to deal with opposition.  You never know, when you first start to point out a scriptural problem, whether the individual is going to receive correction or not.  So when you begin to deal with...

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Contention, Prov 13:10

Contention is strife in words, which include debates, arguments, tumults and the like.  From whom do contentions arise?  The people responsible for contentions are usually:  Proud squabblers – Prov 13:10 only by pride cometh contention.  They are motivated by the need to be right.  They are usually guilty of not...

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Conceit, Rom 12:16

Conceit Rom.12:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Conceit is found in seven verses. By checking the contexts of each verse we can learn what it does to men.  Conceit is an exaggerated opinion of oneself, one’s merits, one’s wealth, one’s education, etc.  Therefore, Paul commanded us to “be not wise in your...

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Brutes, Jude 8,10

Brutes Jude 8-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Brutes lack the ability to reason, they have no conscience, and they are like animals, stupid, gross and sensual.  By checking the thirteen references to them in the Bible, we learn some very interesting things. Brutes learn what they know naturally – Jude 8-10...

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A Blessed Man, Ps 1:1-3

A Blessed Man Ps. 1:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The man in Ps 1:1-3 is a blessed man for five reasons. He’s blessed by how he walks, where he stands, with whom he sits, what he delights in, and what he thinks about.  If you want to be a blessed man,...

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A Field of Fools – Jeff Williams

Jeff Williams, missionary to New Zealand, preached a message entitled A Field of Fools from 1 Sam 25:1-25. Nabal was a fool, and many of the people whom we try to reach with the gospel are fools. Missions is a spiritual war like Saul against David. David typifies Jesus. In...

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A Man Void of Understanding, Prov 7:6-10

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In the Proverbs, we find the expression, “void of understanding” five times.  Studying the references containing this phrase is interesting and very instructive. So, in this sermon, we’ll look at these verses in their context and see what we can...

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