A Time To Heal, Ecc 3:3

A Time to Heal 2024-11-13 Eccl WEDClick link to download audio Ecc 3:3 says that there is “a time to heal”.  It takes time for injuries and wounds to heal.  I’m doing PT on my shoulder.  This takes time, and at first it’s very painful.  But I’m getting better and...

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Regret Over Past Sins, 1 Cor 6:9-11

Regrets over Sins of the Past 1 Cor. 6:9-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How can I shake this regret over past sins?  That can be rough!!  Lots of Christians are plagued by regret over past sins for which they have already been forgiven.  They have committed certain sins that have...

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Not Already Perfect, Phil 3:12-14

Paul was an exemplary Christian.  He served God with a good conscience [Acts 23:1].  He kept his body in subjection [1 Cor 9:27].  He was careful to limit his liberty [1 Cor 10:23] so as not to offend or weaken a brother or cause him to stumble [Rom 14:21; 1...

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