Jesus in the Four Gospels

Jesus in the Four Gospels CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The four gospels are four different, supplemental accounts of the life of Jesus Christ. In them, Jesus has four different capacities.  We are going to study these different presentations of Jesus in the four gospels and their significance to us. Matthew – Christ...

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Why are there four different Gospels Lesson #1

Why are there four different Gospels Lesson #1 (Introduction and Matthew) In this series we are going to look at how the four different Gospels present the Lord Jesus Christ differently.  Each gospel gives a different presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we will see in this study Matthew...

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Why are there four different Gospels

Why Are There Four Different Gospels CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why are there Four Different Gospels In this study we are going to look at how the four different Gospels present the Lord Jesus Christ differently.  Each gospel gives a different presentation of the Lord Jesus Christ. As we will see...

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The Resurrection of Jesus Matt. 28:1

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is easiest to view the resurrection of Jesus from the perspective of the various characters that were involved.  The characters directly involved with the resurrection are: The Two Mary’s Matt 28:1 at first daylight, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of...

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