Strengthen the Things Which Remain Rev 3:2

Strengthen the Things Which Remain Rev. 3:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When something is crumbling in your life, strengthen the things which remain.  There is a tendency when something is going awry to devote all of your attention and strength to the problem.  And then here’s what happens.  The things...

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Friends Prov.18:24   To have a friend you must be a friend. Some of us have many friends and some have few. Friendships are born, nurtured and must be maintained. Solomon said that to have friends we must be friendly. How do you be a good friend? Are you a...

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The People In Your Life Job 42:10-11

The People in Your Life Job 42:10-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Job 42:10-11, we find four groups of people in your life about whom we will preach today: your friends, family, familiars and foes. Friends – Job 42:10 – “friends” – these are the ones who are as close to...

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Remember The Latter End Is. 47:7

Remember the Latter Is 47:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In architecture a building is designed with the end in mind and in construction a building is built with the end in mind.  In recipes the ingredients and steps are listed with the end in mind.  Modern art, on the other...

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Tell Them Mark 5

Tell Them Mark 5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been sowing the word of God continuously through: Preaching, Teaching, Radio, Internet, Fishers of Men, Port Ministry, Tracts, etc.  However, most seed sowing is impersonal to an extent.  We simply hand someone the words of God.  Now it is time to...

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Iron Sharpeneth Iron Prov. 27: 17

Iron Sharpeneth Iron Prov. 27: 17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says, Iron sharpeneth iron.  You see how this works in 1 Sam 13:21, “Yet they had a file for the mattocks, and for the coulters, and for the forks, and for the axes, and to sharpen the goads.”  These...

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Social Pitfalls

Proverbs 1:10-33 You and I are impressionable.  The moment you think you’re not is the moment you are ripe for the world’s picking.  Accept the fact that you and your children are impressionable and protect yourself from bad influences.  Let’s look at Proverbs 1:10-33 and make some notes about social...

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