A Profitable Ministry 1Tim. 4:7-16

1 Tim 4 7-16 A Profitable Ministry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul gives Timothy some practical instructions for a profitable ministry that he should follow so “thy profiting may appear to all,” [1 Tim 4:15].  These instructions concern the minister’s: Spiritual and Physical Fitness – 1 Tim 4:7-9 – He should...

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The Blessing of Giving

The Blessing of Giving Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give than to receive. This is a great truth of your Bible. Just like many truths in your Bible you must, by faith, step out and do it. Some folks are naturally better at giving than others. Some folks...

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No Greater Verse John 3:16

No Greater Verse John 3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jn 3:16 may not be the greatest verse in the Bible but there is certainly no greater verse concerning the gift of Jesus Christ.  That’s because Jn 3:16 presents us with: No greater God – “God” – there are many gods in...

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Salvation First Then Works Eph.2:7-10

Ephesians 2:7-10 Salvation First Then Works CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Now Paul presents the simplicity of salvation and the results of that salvation both down here and up there. You are saved by grace II Cor 8:9 Phil 2:5-11 Rom 10:4 God knows our condition in sin; so he sent Christ to...

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Simple Practical Giving, 2 Cor 9:5-15

15-11-01 Bountiful Giving II Cor. 9 5-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage we find several similar words that Paul uses to describe how giving should be bountiful. Bounty – 2 Cor 9:5 – “makeup beforehand your bounty… as a matter of bounty, and not as of covetousness” – bounty...

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The Work of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38-39

The Work of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read the Book of Acts one thing you cannot miss is the continual reference to the work of the Holy Spirit.  There would be no Acts of the Apostles if there were no work of the Holy...

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Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts Rom. 12:6-8 and 1 Cor.12:7-11             A Spiritual gift is just that, it is a gift. You can’t earn it any more than you can earn your salvation [Eph.2:8-9]. When you are born again you become a new creature [2 Cor.5:17]. You are baptized into the body of...

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False Gift of Healing Prov. 25: 14

A False Gift- Healing Prov. 25:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we are going study the false gift of healing. First of all, you don’t ever want to forget that Judas Iscariot had the gift of healing (Matt. 10:4-8). He could do all of the miracles that any of the disciples...

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False Gift of Tongues Prov. 25: 14

A False Gift Prov. 25:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A man who boasts of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain – just as no rain results in a drought, so the man who boasts of a false gift is worthless – he gets all excited for nothing....

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