Rejoice in Answered Prayer, Jn 16:23-24

Rejoice in Answered Prayer Jn. 16:23-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus showed us in Jn 16:23-24 that we should rejoice in answered prayer.  Getting a prayer answered is a reason to rejoice.  And notice that Jesus said, “that your joy may be full.”  So, he wasn’t just talking about a...

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God Our Father, Eph 1:2

In Eph 1:2, Paul wrote concerning God our Father.  Do you ever think about the implications of this phrase?  If you were raised in a religion, you probably haven’t given this a second thought.  You’ve just gotten used to saying God or Father. We when refer to God as God...

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Our Heavenly Father, Rom 8:14-16

On Father’s Day, why not celebrate our heavenly Father and thank him for his goodness.  These four things we preach about him are for his children.  If you haven’t yet received Jesus Christ as your Savior, you are not his child and he is not your Father.  However, if you...

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The World’s Greatest Father, Jn 10:29

Today is Father’s Day, the day that we honor fathers.  If your father is still living, you might send him a card, give him a gift, call him on the phone, or visit him, personally.  If he is deceased, you might still honor his memory by reflecting on his influence...

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Nehemiah’s Prayer, Neh 1:4-11

In Neh 1:1-11, when Nehemiah heard of the great affliction and reproach in the province of Judah and how the walls were broken down in Jerusalem and how the gates were burned with fire [Neh 1:3], he wept and mourned and then he prayed [Neh 1:4].  Notice some qualities of...

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Abba Father Rom 8:15

Abba Father Rom 8:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today is Father’s day.  Those of us whose fathers are still living will call them or see them today.  Others of us may reminisce about our fathers and recall some special memories.  My father was in the Army Air Corps back in WWII. ...

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Fathers Eph. 6:23

Fathers Eph. 6:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often when we are teaching discipleship lessons, we teach on our new relationship to God by comparing Him to an earthly father.  This way a new convert can understand what it means to have God as his Father.  As our earthly fathers love us,...

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Following God’s Example

Following God’s Example CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is about following God’s example of fatherhood.  Here Jesus washed the disciples’ feet as an example.  He wanted them to learn to serve each other.  His example is profound because he was their master and yet he humbled himself to be their...

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The Father Plainly Revealed, Jn 16:25-30

The Father Plainly Revealed John 16:25-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage it is important to understand the context. While the Disciples were with Jesus on earth they heard Him preach by parable and proverb many times. Some they understood while others escaped their comprehension (Matt. 15:10-16, Matt. 13:10-17). In...

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