The Name of the Lord

The Name of the Lord Psalm 148:13 The verse for this lesson speaks of the Excellency of the name of the Lord with the context being about creation which shows how great and powerful our God truly is. In this lesson we will look at some of the things that...

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Give and Take, Jn 3:16

When we were teaching a men’s Bible study on Monday nights at the church, we were going over some instructions on how to identify the pertinent parts of a verse and how to expound and outline each of those parts.  When we finished dealing with two verses on money, our...

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There is No God Beside Me, Is 45:5

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Is 45:5-6 says, “I am the Lord, and there is none else, there is no God beside me: I girded thee, though thou hast not known me; That they may know from the rising of the sun, and from the...

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God – the Holy Spirit

God – the Holy Spirit 1 John 5:7 This is a study of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead. The work of the Holy Spirit is so vital to our Christianity, yet we often go through our day without even a notice of his presence. In this...

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A Prayer Checkup

“A Prayer Checkup” Ps. 19:14 Our prayer life needs a checkup from time to time. Just as your car, heart or health, computer, etc. need to be checked out, so does your prayer life. You could find problems that you didn’t know existed. You then can fix them before they...

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Is God Real to You?

Is God Real to You? 2 Tim. 1:5                 Unfeigned Faith, speaks of faith that is real, not counterfeit or hypocritical. To have a real faith, God must be real to you, all the time and in every place. This real relationship with God is the cornerstone of everything in...

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A Distorted View Matt 13:13-16

A Distorted View Matt. 13: 13-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is common for people to have a distorted view of reality.  Their perception results in a: Distorted view of God – Matt 13:13-16 -Jesus said he that hath seen me hath seen the Father.  They were looking at God manifest...

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When God gets Personal Daniel 4:1-37

When God Gets Personal Dan. 4:1-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO   This is an interesting account in the scriptures. To begin with this is written in the words of Nebuchadnezzar, in other words he is retelling the story. The other thing that makes this story so interesting is the events that take...

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My God Ps. 18:2

My God Ps. 18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David wrote Psalm 18 after the Lord had delivered him from all his enemies and from Saul.  In this Psalm he makes many references to the Second Coming of Jesus.  However, in verse 2, he gives us some beautiful things to remember about...

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