Defeating the Giants, 1 Sam 17:4-51

Defeating the Giants in Your Life 1 Sam 17: 4-51 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson on defeating the giants in your life is based upon the scriptures that record David’s fight with Goliath.  This sermon is meant to encourage you in your fight against the giant or giants in your...

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Battle Proven

Battle Proven 1 Samuel 17:1-52 In this sermon we will be looking at the story of David and Goliath. We will be comparing the armor of Goliath, Saul, and David in order to learn a valuable lesson from David that not only does the armor need to be proved, but...

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Giants, Gen 6:4

Gen 6:4 GiantsCLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Giants are first mentioned in the Bible in Gen 6:4. Giants are descendants of the sons of God [Gen 6:2].  They were here before the flood.  We find giants “also after that” in the land of Canaan [Num 13:33], when the spies went to...

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What a young person can do.

What a Young Person Can Do 1 Samuel 17:1-52 In this lesson we will focus on David who despite being young accomplished a great feat. Many today do not believe that young people can do very much especially when it comes to doing something for God. But sometimes young people...

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Does the NIV really have a lie in it?

Yes! We have here on the desk a New International Version, copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. There is a preface in this Bible that makes the following statements: “From the beginning of the project, the Committee on Bible Translation held to certain goals for the New...

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