Mercy and Truth, Prov 14:22

Mercy and Truth Prov. 14:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 14:22, the Lord said, “Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.” To devise is to conceive or imagine a thing, to plan to bring about something. So, a man...

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The Devil’s Lies, Jn 8:44

The Devil’s Lies Jn 8: 44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of The Devil’s Lies According to Jn 8:44, the devil is a liar and the father of all lies.  He took over the human race in the garden of Eden.  He did it by lying.  The devil has three advantages.  One, he...

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God is good, Ps 106:1

God is Good Ps 106:1, Ps 107:1, 118:1, 118:29, Ps 136:1 say, “Praise ye the Lord, O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth for ever”.  God is good. God has been good to us.  I met a young man recently who said, “I should...

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Favor With God, Ps 5:12

This message beginning in Ps 5:12 is about finding Favor with God.  It should be of great importance to us that we find favor with the Lord. Samuel found favor with the Lord, 1 Sam 2:26.  He was the greatest judge that Israel ever had.  Mary found favor with the...

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What Was That Good, Ecc 2:1-26

Solomon determined in his lifetime to “see what was that good for the sons of men, which they should do under the heaven all the days of their life”, Ecc 2:3.  He experimented with everything a man can do. He tried pleasure, Ecc 2:1-2 Mirth is social merriment; hilarity; high...

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It Is A Good Thing, Ps 92:1-4

The Psalmist wrote it is a good thing to do four things because the Lord had made him glad through his work and had caused him to triumph in the works of his hands.  Are you ever glad? Do you ever triumph?  You should be glad all the time and...

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The Right View of Wrong Things, Gen 45:1-8

What Joseph’s brothers did to Joseph was wrong, without a doubt.  They envied him and would have killed him if Reuben had not intervened.  As it is he suffered slavery and prison when they in turn faked his death to convince his father that he was dead. Joseph suffered for...

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Withhold Not Good, Prov 3:27-28

There are times when we hear of people in great need.  And in those times that we have the wherewithal to help meet the need, God wants us to help.  He said, “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due”, Prov 3:27-28.   What is good that we...

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Abundant in Goodness, Ex 34:6

When the Lord passed by Moses he proclaimed that he was the Lord… abundant in goodness.  When Jesus replied to the rich, young ruler’s greeting, he said, “None is good, save one, that is, God”, Lk 18:18.  Our God is the only one who is good.  And not only is...

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Wayne Sehmish – Doing Good, Acts 3:1-10

This sermon was preached by Dr. Waynes Sehmish.  The text is Acts 3:1-10. The summary of the sermon is that we should do good because doing good is pleasing to the Lord.  Jesus went about doing good [Acts 10:38].  Thus, we should do good to please the Lord.  And we...

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