NIV Major Changes, Eph 4-6

NIV Major Changes, Eph. 4-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We believe that the King James Bible is the word of God.  The NIV has major changes in it that are not just intended to make it “easier to read and understand.”  These changes have major doctrinal implications.  This study reviews...

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How To Change, 1 Tim 1:12-16

How To Change 1 Tim. 1:12-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon on how to change teaches you how to practically change things in your life that should change when you are saved.  There are things in all our lives that should change after salvation.  However, many Christians don’t change partly...

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Doing the Will of God

This sermon is about doing the will of God.  As we follow Jesus, we use remember that he said, I come to do thy will, Heb 10:7, 9.  The will of God was so important to Jesus Christ that he found it even before he was a teenager and went...

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The Matter of Giving, 2 Cor 9:7

The Matter of Giving 2 Cor. 9 7  CLICK ON TITLE FOR AUDIO Giving is a matter of: Character – 2 Cor 9:7; Prov 22:9 – it’s a matter of who you are.  Some people are naturally more charitable and to give comes easy for them. Others are more naturally miserly...

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Favour, 1 Sam 2:26

Favour 1 Sam. 2:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is more important to have favour with God than it is to have favor with men.  God will give you favor with men [Gen 39:21; Ex 3:21].  Too much time is spent trying to gain favor with men.  That time would be...

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The Measures of God, Rom 12:3

The Measures of God Rom. 12:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon on the measures of God concerns four things that God measures in the body of Christ.  The body of Christ is made up of all saved believers in Christ.  So, these are not the members of your church unless...

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What Works Phil 2:13

What Works Phil 2:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After we get saved, we are to work for the Lord.  However, we must learn what works.  Today’s ministries have found what works for them.  Yet, I’m afraid that they have determined what works pragmatically and not scripturally.  In other words, they are...

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Full of Grace and Truth

Full of Grace and Truth John 1:14-17 full of grace and truth  Introduction: To be full means that you can’t put anymore of anything into something. When you fill up a glass of water, you cannot put any more water into it or else it will spill over. If you have a glass of coffee, soda,...

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Labor To Enter The Rest, Heb 4:1-16

The Hebrews in the Tribulation must labor to enter the rest that was promised to them in their land during the millennial reign of Jesus The Rest Was Promised To The Hebrews v.1 Let us therefore fear.  Paul has been comparing the Jews who wandered in the wilderness, who were...

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