I Take Pleasure in Distresses, 2 Cor 12:10

How could Paul say, “I take pleasure in distresses” and really mean it?  Paul could say that he took pleasure in distresses because, when he was in distress, he received from the Lord:  Grace – 2 Cor 12:9-10 “I take pleasure in… distresses for Christ’s sake: for when I am...

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Quickened Together With Christ, Eph 2:4-10

In Eph 2:4-10, Paul wrote about being quickened together with Christ, when we are saved.  Before we were saved, we walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, who is the devil.  However, now that we are saved, we are...

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Bountiful Giving, 2 Cor 9:6-15

Last week we preached on the blessedness of giving.  According to Acts 20:35, it is more blessed to give than to receive.  Through giving we have the blessedness of financial security, eternal fruit, abundant joy, and heavenly treasure.  Today, we are going to discuss bountiful giving.  Through bountiful giving we...

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Benefits of Life’s Difficulties, Ps 18:1-6

Have you ever noticed that when most people encounter something challenging they fold?  We are a generation of moral and spiritual weaklings. Trouble usually elicits complaints from us.  People whine and fuss when things are tough.  Life’s difficulties don’t go away just because you don’t like them.  What we need...

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Be Lowly, Ps 138:6

We should be lowly.  Lowly is having a low esteem of one’s own worth; humble; free from pride.  Why you should be lowly: God has respect unto the lowly – Ps 138:6, “though the Lord be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly.”  This respect is a regard for;...

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Through the Knowledge of God, 2 Pet 1:1-4

As the descendants of Adam, all of us are sinners by nature, and we are all appointed to die [Rom 5:12].  We know good and evil, but we don’t know God.  According to 2 Pet 1:1-4, when we are saved, we can obtain divine things through the knowledge of God. ...

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Achaia’s Bounty, 2 Cor 9:1-15

Paul started chapter 9 by saying that, concerning the ministering to the saints, it was superfluous (superfluous means “not needed; unnecessary”) for him to write.  Nevertheless, he did write.  Paul wrote 2 Cor 9 because he wanted the Corinthians to know that: Their zeal had provoked very many – 2...

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A Liberal Giver, 2 Cor 8:1-5

In 2 Cor 8 we find several characteristics of a liberal giver.  A liberal giver: Sacrifices himself to God – 2 Cor 8:5 – you start by giving yourself to the Lord [Rom 12:1-2].  If you haven’t given yourself to God, anything you do for God is always going to...

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Man is Born Unto Trouble Job 5:7

Man is Born Unto Trouble Job 5:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Job 5:7 says that man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward.  You are not getting through this life without trouble.  And the sooner you realize this, the better.  Man is born unto trouble.  Man has trouble with:...

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Biblical Salvation

Biblical Salvation “the act of saving, or deliverance from destruction” For salvation to be accomplished three things must be present: Something or someone that needs to be saved. (without it’s necessary) Something or someone that can save. (without it’s impossible) A means to connect the two. (By grace, through faith...

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