A Spiritual Diet Prov. 3:2

A Spiritual Diet Prov. 3:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast we taught on the balanced diet found in scripture.  That is a very practical lesson dealing with the balance of foods that you should eat.  Today’s broadcast is about a spiritual diet.  A spiritual diet involves nourishing yourself...

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Supporting Better Health, Prov 3:5-8

There are certain things you can do to support good health in your life.  These are not cures and remedies.  These are Biblical admonitions which will help you to keep from compromising your health.  They will assist you in supporting better health.   To improve your health: Trust in the...

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Supplementing Your Health 3 John 2

Supplementing Your Health 3 John 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 3 Jn 2 – John wished that Gaius would prosper and be in health.  1 Tim 4:8 – while exercise is a little profitable, “godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and off...

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Praying for Health 2 Ki 20:1-7

Praying for Health 2 Kings 20: 1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 2 Ki 20:1-7, Hezekiah was sick unto death.  He prayed that God would extend his life and Isaiah announced to him that God added 15 years to his life.  Then Isaiah ordered that a lump of figs be placed...

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Thyself Hast Decided It 1 Ki 20:40

1 Ki 20 40 Thyself Hast Decided It CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO During the reign of the kings, it was common for people to appear before the king for judgment [2 Sam 15:6; 1 Ki 3:16-28].  In 1 Ki 20:35-43, a prophet disguised himself and waited for King Ahab to pass...

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Your Need Matt 6:32

Your Need Matt 6:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Matt 6:32 Jesus told his disciples that “your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”  He was speaking specifically of food, drink and clothing.  But God knows not only what temporal needs we have but also our spiritual...

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What Can You Eat?

What Can You Eat? Romans 14:1-3   What can a Christian eat? What should a Christian eat? What does the Bible have to say? The short answer is; the Bible has a lot to say about it. So what should a Christian consider concerning food? Are you Glorifying God? [1Cor.10:31]...

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Remember The Latter End Is. 47:7

Remember the Latter Is 47:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In architecture a building is designed with the end in mind and in construction a building is built with the end in mind.  In recipes the ingredients and steps are listed with the end in mind.  Modern art, on the other...

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Do It With Thy Might Ecc. 9:10

Do It With Thy Might Ecc. 9:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Everyone here has something that you have decided you are going to do one day.  It is something that you really need to do and yet you have been putting it off.  Well, it is time to get going on...

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Pride Leads To Destruction

Pride Leads To Destruction Proverbs 15:25 The verse clearly states that “The Lord will destroy the house of the proud”.  Pride leads to destruction. Pride goeth before destruction [Prov.16:18] and [Prov.18:12]. We are going to look at some kings in the Bible and see how pride affected them. When the...

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