How To Attend to My Words, Prov 4:20-22

How to Attend to My Words “Attend” means to apply the mind or pay attention to. “My words” are not words about what God wrote but what he wrote, exactly what he wrote.  People routinely misquote 1 Cor 10:13 and cause much confusion to people who are overwhelmed by a...

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Then Will I Hear, 2 Chr 7:14

Then Will I Hear 2 Chr. 7:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have heard much preaching on 2 Chr 7:14.  The part of the verse I like is… then will I hear.  God said that, if they do four things, then will I hear.  The four things are these: humble...

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The Words of Jesus, Jn 8:17

The Words of Jesus Jn.8:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What are we to do with the words of Jesus in the gospel of John?  We are to: Hear his words – Jn 8:47 – not everyone who hears the words of Jesus truly “hears” the words.  Jesus said, “If any man...

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Fools In The House of God, Ecc 5:1-7

Solomon built the house of the Lord. So he was very aware of some principle things that men should consider when coming to the house of the Lord.  He warned against being fools in the house of God. Keep thy foot.  When Solomon finished the house, the glory of the...

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Hearing From God, 1 Sam 3:9-10

Hearing From God 1 Sam. 3:9-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The subject of this message is hearing from God.  If you want to hear from God then here are the things you must do.  Hearing from God demands: Your desire to hear – 1 Sam 3:9-10 – Samuel said “Speak,...

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Attend To My Words, Prov 4:20-22

Our text is Prov 4:20-22.  In this passage, Solomon says, “Attend to my words”.   You get connected to God’s words and they connect with you. John Maxwell says that to connect with people when you’re communicating, you have to connect intellectually, verbally, visually, and emotionally.  Intellectually involves the mind. ...

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Get Alone With God, Is 5:8

In Is 5:8, we read, “Woe to them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth”.  You need to get alone with God.  In Henry and the Great Society, by Herbert...

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Take Heed What You Hear, Mk 4:23-25

Jesus said, “Take heed what ye hear”, Mk 4:24.  What you listen to will affect you and your relationship to the Lord.  Things you hear will either strengthen your faith in God’s words or cause doubt.   What you hear can strengthen your faith. When you listen to the words...

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We Are His Sheep, Jn 10:27

In Jn 10, Jesus likens each of us to his sheep.  Our relationship is that of a shepherd to sheep.  He is our shepherd; we are his sheep.  In Jn 10:27 he called us “My sheep.”  As his sheep there are three things that we should do according to this...

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Ready to Preach, Rom 1:15

Ready Corpus Christi is an emergency preparedness guide for residents.  On the Ready Corpus Christi website you will find things like “Be Ready for a Hurricane.” This is a publication that is also mailed to residents before Hurricane season.  It describes the preparations that you need to make at the...

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