A Hardened Neck, Prov 29:1

He Hardeneth His Neck Prov. 29:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A Hardened Neck Pharaoh had a hardened neck against the Lord.  In Ex 5:2, Pharaoh didn’t know the Lord so he asked, “who is the Lord that I should obey his voice to let Israel go?”  He could have known the...

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A Wise Man’s Heart Discerneth, Ecc 8:5-11

A wise man’s heart discerneth several things that we see in Ecc 8:5-11. A wise man’s heart discerneth Time and Judgment, Ecc 8:6-7 To every purpose there is time and judgment.  Solomon didn’t say to every “event”, but to every purpose.  What he’s saying here is not an exact match...

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Conformed to the Image of His Son, Rom 8:29

Conformed to the Image of His Son Rom 8:29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Once you are saved by God, you are predestinated to be conformed to the image of his Son.  From the time that you get saved until the time that you die or the Lord comes to take us...

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How to Make a Decision, Joel 3:14

How to Make a Decision Joel 3:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We realize that this verse applies doctrinally to the 2nd Advent.  However, it brings us to the point of this sermon which is how to make a decision.  I am asked consistently in the ministry, “What do I do?”  Multitudes...

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Set Your Heart, 1 Chr 22:19

Set Your Heart 1 Chr. 22:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read through 1st Chronicles you see many instances of David accomplishing great things.  In every case, it was the Lord who did the mighty things for David or through David.  At the end of his life, we see David...

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Two Sides to Every Coin, 1 Sam 16:7

Two Sides to Every Coin 1 Sam. 16:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord said to Samuel in 1 Sam 16:7, “Look not on his countenance…” We have a tendency to make judgments about people based upon what we see and hear.  The Lord said he doesn’t look on the outward...

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Don’t Envy Sinners, Prov 23:17-19

Don’t envy sinners.  One of the greatest safeguards against straying from the Lord, when you are a young Christian, is to “let not thine heart envy sinners”.  When I was a teenager, envying sinners caused me to turn away from the Lord so I could pursue what they were doing....

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Sort Yourself Out, Ps 77:1-6

Our text is Ps 77:1-6.  I call this message, Sort Yourself Out.  You must sort yourself out whenever things around you get you down.   Asaph shows us, in this text, how to sort ourselves out. Commune with your own heart, Ps 77:6.   Talk over and discuss with the...

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The Desires of Thine Heart, Ps 37:4

The Desires of Thine Heart Ps 37:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The desires of thine heart are, by definition, the things that you long or hope for – so when a man longs or hopes for a Boone and Crockett deer he will spend his money on leases and hunting gear and he...

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Perverted, Jer 23:36

In the Bible we find that there are several things that are perverted.  Today, we are going to study seven of these.   To pervert means to turn aside or away from what is viewed as good or true or morally right; to corrupt.  Perverse is turned away from what...

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