My Heart is Fixed, Ps 108:1

“O God, my heart is fixed,” David sang and praised the Lord.  His heart was truly fixed.  When you are saved, you can sing with David, My heart is fixed: In the sense that it has been fixed permanently (like color is fixed in dyeing).  When you receive Jesus Christ...

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Soil Improvement, Lk 8:11-15

If you realize that your life is currently unfruitful and you want that to change, you may need soil improvement.  Soil improvement is heart improvement.  Matt 13:18-23; Mk 4:14-20; Lk 8:11-15.  The current condition of the soil is the current condition of your heart.  You may not be fruitful because...

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Stealing Hearts

Stealing Hearts (2 Samuel 15:1-6) In this lesson we are going to look at Absalom as a type of Satan. Absalom stole the hearts of the people before he attempted to take over the Kingdom from his father David. Satan, the great thief (John 10:10) steals the hearts of saved...

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Heart Keepers, Prov 4:20-27

Prov 4:23 says, “Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”  You and I are to keep our hearts.  We are to be heart keepers, in much the same way as there are gate keepers and door keepers.  Gate keepers and door keepers...

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Work That God Rewards, 2 Chr 15:1-18

Work That God Rewards 2 Chr 15:1-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Azariah said to Asa, “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded,” [2 Chronicles 15:7]. And after Asa heard these words he proceeded to do work that God rewarded.  See 2...

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Their Heart Goeth After Their Covetousness

In Ezek 33:30-33, people are coming to hear Ezekiel preach and they are hearing him.  But they are not doing what the Lord is telling them to do.They didn’t hear because their heart goeth after their covetousness. Likewise, today we are not talking to people who aren’t here.  We’re talking...

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Four Kinds of Hearts, Mk 6:8

Four Kinds of Hearts Mk 6:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Book of Mark we are going to study four kinds of hearts.  A good look at these hearts will hopefully shed some light on the condition of our hearts.  Once we know what’s wrong with our hearts it will...

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Fruitfulness of the Word, Matt 13:18-23

Fruitfulness of the Word Matt 13:18-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The word of God, like seed, is designed to bear fruit.  When it is sown, it does not return void [Is 55:10-11].  However, the condition of your heart [the soil] has a lot to do with the fruitfulness of the...

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Who Controls Your Mouth, Ps 19: 14

Who Controls Your Mouth Ps.19: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David said, “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer”.  To be sure that your words are acceptable to the Lord, you must know who...

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Abound in Diligence, 2 Cor 8:7

When Paul wrote the Corinthians about their offering for the poor saints in Jerusalem, he complimented them on abounding in some wonderful things he could see in the congregation.  From what he wrote, we see our own need to abound in diligence. In 2 Cor 8:7, they abounded in faith...

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