People You Will Meet in Hell, Lk 16:23

People You Will Meet in Hell Lk 16:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The fact that you are listening to this radio broadcast today is really not an accident.  If you are saved, this sermon is a stark reminder to you that people who refuse to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ...

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Hell, Fire or Eternal Separation From God, Ps 139:8

Hell, Fire or Eternal Separation from God Ps. 139:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The purpose of this broadcast is to answer the question, Is hell fire or eternal separation from God?  There are those who preach that hell is only a place of eternal separation and not a place of fire. ...

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Why Would Anyone Risk Going to Hell

Why Would Anyone Risk Going to Hell Isaiah 28:14-18 In this sermon we will look at the question of why would anyone risk going to Hell when there is the option of going to heaven. The passage from Isaiah will help us to answer this question. Illustration of the sign....

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Some Facts About Hell

Some Facts about Hell Luke 16:19-31 The topic for this lesson is not a very popular topic, but it is an extremely important topic that deals with where you will spend eternity. Many today will tell you that hell is not real or does not really exist. Some say that...

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Gathering Israel Into Their Land

Ezek 20:33-49 is a passage dealing with gathering Israel into their land at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.   The Lord scattered Israel into many countries when the Assyrians and Babylonians took Israel and Judah captive.  The Lord warned them he would do this in Lev 26:30-34. In like...

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What can you do in Hell? Luke 16:19-31

What Can You Do in Hell Luke 16:19-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What can you do in Hell? Luke 16:19-31 There are many that do not even believe in a place called Hell. But the fact is that Jesus spoke of hell more than he did heaven. If you think about...

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Truths About the Lake of Fire.

Truths of the Lake of Fire CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before getting into the truths about the lake of fire and the main part of the sermon we will first look at some scripture to show the difference between Hell and the Lake of fire. Now this is a very important...

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What Happens After Death Gen 35:16

What Happens After Death CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People often want to know what happens after death.  The following notes are an outline, more or less in chronological order, of the things that will happen after death.  After death: The soul departs – Gen 35:18 The spirit returns to God –...

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Where There is No Vision Prov. 29:18

Where There is No Vision Prov. 29:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are five things in life that you must “see.” You must have a vision of these things or people will perish.  As Prov 29:18 says, Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Where there is no vision of:...

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Isaiah 34:1-17 The Lord’s Vengeance

The Lord’s Vengeance Is. 34:1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the year of recompenses [Is 34:8], the Lord takes vengeance on all the nations, on the heavens and on the land of Idumea.  When the Lord returns to the earth he will pour out his indignation upon all nations [Is 34:1-3],...

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