Getting Counsel (Part 1)

 Getting Counsel (Part 1) 1 Kings 12:1-15 In this passage Rehoboam is faced with a challenge regarding Jeroboam and some of the children of Israel. When Rehoboam is made king Jeroboam comes to him on and asked to have the heavy yoke that was placed by Solomon lightened. Rehoboam does...

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Rebuild Your Wall, Neh 1:6

Rebuild Your Wall Neh. 1:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you have no rule over your own spirit, you are like a city that is broken down and without walls [Prov 25:28].  You must rebuild your wall. Many of us have seen our lives like a broken down city and...

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A Very Present Help, Ps 46:1-3

[THERE IS NO AUDIO FOR THIS MESSAGE DUE TO A POWER FAILURE DURING THE SERVICE] In Ps 46:1-3, the Psalmist describes conditions in the earth that are horrendous, unlike anything that we have ever seen.  And he says that, despite these things, “Therefore will not we fear”.  The reason they...

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Trust God, Ps 118: 8-9

Trust God Ps.118: 8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man or in princes.  The reason that it is better to trust God is that when we trust God: God gives us help – Ps 28:7 – God can help...

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You Must Be Still, Ps 46:10

In life, you must be still, you must sit still, and you must stand still, in times of agitation, uncertainty, and adversity. Be still – Ps 46:10; to be still is to be quiet, calm, not agitated.  In life, trouble will come, and your world will be turned upside down. ...

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Getting Help

Getting Help Psalm 46:1 At some point in their lives every Christian will need help. The greatest resource for help is God, yet many Christians struggle to find the needed help for the struggles and temptations of this life. In this lesson we will look at three simple things regarding...

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What You Can Do For Missions, 2 Cor 1:8-11

If you aren’t called to the mission field, you can still do much to help missionaries who are called.  I often remark that I disdain comments from missionaries like “stay by the stuff,” 1 Sam 30:24, and “hold the rope,” Acts 9:25.  We’re not sitting around in our churches with...

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Therefore Will Not We Fear, Ps 46:1-11

In Ps 46:2-3, the Psalmist wrote, “Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah.” The Psalmist is describing events...

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A Spiritual Famine Amos 8:11

A Spiritual Famine Amos 8: 11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Amos 8:11 Amos prophesied of a famine, not of bread and water, but a famine of hearing the words of the Lord.  This is a spiritual famine.   Israel went through several famines in the Bible.  Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob...

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I Will Never Leave Thee Heb.13: 5-6

I Will Never Leave Thee Heb.13: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Herein lays one of the greatest promises in the entire Bible.  The Lord will never leave us or forsake us.  In its immediate context we see some implications of this verse that should change our lives.  This one statement offers...

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