The Holy Spirit Will Lead You, Jn 16:12-15

He Will Show You John 16:12-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage we see how truth is conveyed unto the believer. In verse 15 we can see that truth originates with the Father in Heaven and is then passed down to His Son Jesus Christ who in turn passes it...

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He Reproves the World, Jn 16:1-11

He Reproves the World John 16:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here Jesus Christ is trying to help the Disciples understand the beneficial aspects of some news that they are having a difficult time accepting. Essentially, He has told them that He is leaving, that they will be persecuted and that the...

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If You Love Me, Jn 14:15-24

If You Love Me John 14:15-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The whole blessing of salvation in Jesus Christ begins with loving Jesus Christ because salvation is a matter of the heart and not a matter of the action. This is a very confusing point that people trip on because our first...

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The Very Christ, Jn 7:25-39

The Very Christ John 7::25-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are six ways to determine if Jesus was the very Christ in this text. The things that Jesus said in this text were spoken at the Feast of Tabernacles after the third Passover that Jesus had during His ministry. Within six...

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Sanctification 1 Thess 4: 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Sanctification is basically holiness – it is something that affects the vessel [v.4] – it is something to which God has called us [v.7] – it is the will of God [v.3]. Sanctification is a three part process – we are sanctified...

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Discipleship Lesson #3 – The Holy Spirit

Discipleship Lesson 3 The Holy Spirit Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many things that the Holy Spirit does for us when we get saved and they are listed here for your reference.  These are too numerous to study in one basic discipleship lesson.  So, we will study a...

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Filled with the Spirit

Be Filled With The Spirit of God Ephesians 5:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Eph 5:18, we find that to be filled with the Spirit is an imperative.  So, if you are not filled with the Spirit then you are not doing what the Lord told you to do.  The question...

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Soul Winning Lesson #5

Soul Winning #5 Bro. Welder CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In witnessing it is very important to remember that the work is spiritual and that the Holy Spirit is the one who ultimately needs to do the “soul winning.”  The Holy Spirit: Fills – he fills believers so that we have the...

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