Saul’s Successful Military Campaign, 1 Sam 11:1-15

1 Sam 11:1-15 Saul’s Successful Military Campaign CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul succeeded in defeating Nahash the Ammonite because he: Recognized that it was time to fight – v.1-5 – successful commanders know when to fight and when to negotiate – this was time to fight Did not offer a political...

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Provisions For A King, 1 Sam 10:1-13

1 Sam 10:1-13 Provisions for a King CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 19:1-13, in the things that Samuel said to Saul and in the things that the Lord accomplished for Saul, we see that the Lord provided Saul with everything he needed for his current necessities and for his...

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The Holy Spirit

We are going to study the work of the Holy Spirit in several parts. First, we will look at everything the Holy Spirit does for you in regards to salvation. Before you are saved, the Holy Spirit convicts you of your need to be saved. According to Jn 16:7-11, he...

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Is there a Trinity?

Just because you can’t find the word “trinity” in the Bible doesn’t mean that the Trinity doesn’t exist. Just because you can’t fully comprehend the Trinity doesn’t mean that there isn’t one. Can you comprehend fully, “Christ in you?” Of course you can’t. That’s why Paul calls that a “mystery,”...

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What is Baptized IN the Holy Ghost?

There is no such thing a being baptized IN the Holy Ghost. Oftentimes you will hear a preacher or a Christian use the phrase, “When I was baptized in the Holy Ghost.”  There is nothing of the kind in the Bible.  You can be “baptized BY the Holy Ghost,” or...

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