Holy Spirit Flowing Jn 7:37-39

Holy Spirit Flowing Jn.  7:37-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water,” [Jn 7:38].  This flowing pictures the Holy Spirit in his life after he gets saved.  The flowing of the Holy...

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Wine, Oil and Bread Ps 104:15

Wine Oil Bread Ps. 104: 13-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 104:15 we see that God brings forth out of the earth wine, oil and bread.  Wine makes your heart glad, oil makes your face shine and bread strengthens your heart.  These three things also typify spiritual objects which are...

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The Comforter John 14:16

Comforter John 14:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all like comfort.  Some have comforters on their beds.  People like to stay in their comfort zone.  We like our creature comforts.  Some of us have favorite comfort foods.  People look for something or someone to comfort them when they are hurting.  That’s...

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Witnessing as a Church Acts 4: 7-12

Witnessing as a Church Acts 4: 7-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What it takes for our church to get the job of witnessing done according to the Acts of the Apostles. These are the essential elements of fulfilling the great commission in our church. Preaching Jesus – Acts 4:7-12.  Acts 5:42,...

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What Is Truth? John 18:38

Jn 18:38 What Is Truth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?”  That is a profound question but he didn’t stick around for the answer.  The Bible shows us the answer is: Jesus Christ [Jn 14:6]. God’s word [Jn 17:17]. God’s Holy Spirit [1 Jn 5:6; Jn 16:13]. The Bible also...

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The Spirit of the Lord in the Old Testament

1 Sam 16:13-14 The Spirit of the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Old Testament the Spirit of the Lord was very active in men’s lives. He was involved in creation Gen 1:2 He was involved in striving with men Gen 6:3 similar to the way that he reproves them...

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The Things Not Seen II Cor. 4:17-18

The Things Not Seen II Cor. 4:17-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 2 Cor 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.  How do...

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Intercession and Predestination, Rom 8:26-30

Intercession and Predestination Rom. 8:26-30  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8:26-30, we will study intercession and predestination, the intercession of the Holy Spirit and the predestination of believers. Intercession – Rom 8:26-28 Rom 8:26 “Likewise,” refers to something before. In Rom 8:22 the whole creation groaneth. In Rom 8:23 even...

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