Sins against the Spirit Eph.4:30

 Ephesians 4:30 Sins Against the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  There are a number of sins against the Spirit: Disobedience – Grieve – Eph 4:30 Suffocation – Quench – I Th 5:19 Dissimulation – Lie to – Acts 5:3 Blasphemy – Say, “Jesus has an unclean spirit” – Mk 3:28-30 Rejection of Jesus (Jn 16:8-10) – Despise – Heb 10:29 Rebellion – Vex – Is  63:9-10 Unbelief – Resist – Acts 7:51 Primary danger right after getting saved,...

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The Mystery of Christ Eph. 3:1-12

 Ephesians 3:1-12 The Mystery of Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul wrote Ephesians while in he was in Rome as a prisoner.  So in v. 1, when he says a prisoner…for you Gentiles, he is serious.  If he would have compromised the gospel and preached circumcision, he would have escaped imprisonment,...

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Wall of Partition Eph. 2:11-22

 Ephesians 2:11-22 Wall of Partition CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gentiles and Jews come together “in” Christ with no distinction.  They are the church of God: Rom 1:16 I Cor 12:13 I Cor 10:32 Gal 3:27-28 Acts 15:11 As Paul said in Rom 2:27-29, it does a Jew no good to “practice”...

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Four Laws, Rom 7:14-25

Four Laws Rom. 7:14-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the latter part of Rom 7 and the first part of Rom 8 we find four laws.  These laws are the law in my members, the law of God, the law of sin and the law of the Spirit.  By studying these...

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Ye Were Sealed Eph.1:13-14

 Ephesians 1:13-14 Ye Were Sealed CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before you get saved, there is a process which you generally undergo and our text describes exactly what that is. YOU HAVE TO HEAR THE WORD OF TRUTH. That typically involves: Preaching – I Cor 1:18, 21; II Tim 4:3-4; Rom 10:14 Reading –...

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Prayer for Souls Matt. 9:35-38

Pray for Souls Matt. 9:35-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have seen, concerning the work of witnessing to the lost, that there is a great necessity for the work to be done and to be done properly.  Thus, we see that this great work requires prayer for souls.  This is one...

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Rivers of Living Water John 7:37

Rivers of Living Water John 7:37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 7:38, Jesus said, He that believeth on me… out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  He was speaking about the Holy Ghost.  Those of us who are here tonight have believed on the Lord Jesus...

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Comfort John 14

Comfort John 14  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is hardly a time in life that we don’t need to be comforted.  Little children need to be comforted when they are sick or hurting, and adults need to be comforted when they are sad or grieving.  Where do we need to...

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Baptized with the Holy Ghost Matt. 3:11

Baptized with the Holy Ghost Matt. 3:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson on baptized with the Holy Ghost is a doctrinal study on what this baptism is and what it does.  In this study we will contrast this baptism with the baptism of 1 Cor 12:13.  Some believe that being...

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Seed Of Abraham Gal. 3:15-29

Seed of Abraham Gal. 3:15-29 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The question that Paul asks prior to this passage is “Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?” [Galatians 3:2].  In answer to his question he states in Gal 3:14, “that we might receive...

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