Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual Gifts Rom. 12:6-8 and 1 Cor.12:7-11             A Spiritual gift is just that, it is a gift. You can’t earn it any more than you can earn your salvation [Eph.2:8-9]. When you are born again you become a new creature [2 Cor.5:17]. You are baptized into the body of...

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Isaiah 32:9-20 The Women That Are At Ease

The Women That Are At Ease Is. 32:9-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In summary, this prophecy is preached to the women that are at ease; to careless women.  These women are the ones accustomed to a life of “luxury” and ease.  They are spoiled by their bountiful harvests of grapes, wheat,...

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Why Christians Fall Eph. 4:11-32

Why Christians Fall CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often wonder why Christians fall.  There are numerous reasons found throughout the Bible.  However, in is text we find four of the most common reasons.  Rather than preach this text to simply answer the question why Christians fall, we will preach this passage...

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Oil in the Dwelling of the Wise Prov. 21: 20

Oil in the Dwelling of the Wise Prov. 21: 20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The practical application of Prov 21:20 is plain – there is oil in the dwelling of the wise – a wise man will save something of what he makes – he won’t recklessly spend it all on...

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The Requirements of Truth

The Requirements of Truth Acts 17 22-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage Paul finds himself in Athens, a place described as “having more gods than people”. The Athenians were very careful not to leave out even one god in their statues and monuments. Therefore Paul found the altar with...

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Spiritual Growth

Spiritual Growth Your parents were keenly aware of your physical growth from your infancy well into your teens. They were mindful to feed you the things that your body needed, to grow correctly. They may have made you stand in the doorway of a closet and mark your height on...

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How to Defend Against Lust

How to Defend Against Lust James 1: 13-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on how to defend against lust.  When Adam and Eve were created, they had everything they needed and were content.  However, the devil showed Eve that she was missing being “as gods knowing good and evil.” ...

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Jesus with His Disciples, Jn 20:19-23

Jesus With His Disciples John 20:19-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A summary of what we are going to study in this passage of John can be found in Mark 16:14, so we will begin there. In Mark we find Jesus appearing to the disciples as they were having a meal and...

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