Faith Love and Hope, 1 Thes 5:8

According to 1 Thes 5:5 we who are saved are children of the day, we are children of light.  We are not children of the night, children of darkness.  We were in darkness before we were saved, but now we are in his marvelous light, Acts 26:18; 1 Pet 2:9. ...

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Christian Resources, Lk 24:49

Christian Resources Lk. 24:49 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you listen to Christian radio today, you keep hearing the word “resources” referring to books, CD’s, DVD’s, etc. that are offered to the listeners at a price.  I have often thought to myself, “Where were all these Christian resources after Jesus...

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Your Health, Ps 67:2

Your Health Ps 67:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many Christians are concerned about their health.  And that’s good.  However, this has led many to follow the health fads that have swept the country in an effort to enjoy better health.  But you have to remember that we are all made very...

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Facing Death, Prov 14:32

Facing Death Prov.14:32  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People have a hard time facing death.  Oftentimes, even Christians have a difficult time facing death.  So, we want to search the scriptures to find encouragement for this inevitable time in our lives.  When you are, or a loved one is, facing death,...

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Rejoicing in Hope, Rom 12:12

Rejoicing in Hope Rom. 12:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 12:12 Paul said that we should be rejoicing in hope. When you lose hope, you will sink in despair.  So, today we will see where you find hope so that you can be rejoicing in hope and not wallowing in...

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The Benefits of Affliction, Ps 119

The Benefits of Affliction Ps. 119 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Benefits of Affliction are seen in Ps 119.  Often in affliction we only see the suffering and trouble.  Look for the benefits. Affliction can lead you to salvation through God’s words – Psalm 119:107 – I am afflicted very much:...

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Hope Unto The End, Heb 6:1-20

Hebrews 6 is a pivotal chapter in Paul’s presentation of Jesus Christ to the Hebrews.  He is getting ready to show them some things, in chapters 7 through 10, that Jews are going to have a hard time accepting.  He is going to prove to them that Jesus Christ and...

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Cheer Up My Brother, Acts 27:13-36

Cheer Up My Brother Acts 27:13-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There’s an old favorite hymn called “Farther Along” and the chorus goes like this, “Farther along we’ll know all about it, farther along we’ll understand why, cheer up my brother, live in the sunshine, we’ll understand it all by and by.” ...

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Be In Health, 3 Jn 2

John wrote to his friend Gaius and wished for him to be in health.  According to the Bible, there are spiritual things you can do to improve your health.  So, often we concentrate on the physical, medical, and nutritional interventions and overlook the spiritual.  Regardless whether you are in good...

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Christ in You, Col 1:27

When you get saved, Christ is is you.  His presence in your life changes things completely.  You are literally a new creature in Christ [2 Cor 3:17].  Christ in you: Results in your death – Rom 8:9-11 – specifically Rom 8:10.  When you get saved, everything about you should die....

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